A Journey
Disturbances are felt off and on both day and night
From the creator to bring one to feeling the light
This revelation of one’s nature that the light brings
Burdens the mind and heart and weakens us, now that sting's
All to bring more coarseness for one to overcome
And to build a restriction and come
Out of Egypt which is troublesome
There’s always opposing forces keeping you confused
This is why with intention for the goal you must be bemused
As the pharaoh and the creator brings you towards the exit of exile
By using the study, the books and the group for unity makes you fertile
You must depict for yourself two desires or degrees
Where you are and what do the sages tell you to want not what you please
As you picture this within and find it so disgusting
Except when picturing bestowal and the exit of Egypt now this is bustling
As you evolve with the group and the light that you are given
A greater desire and intention, with that you are driven
So remember to advance every moment is correct
And it is in every moment you cannot be neglect
In every moment be truly immersed
Or the next situation will truly be worse
Don’t be lazy for that is like treason
Put out more effort as that is faith above reason
To reach the goal one must yearn for the form that is similar to the creator
As you discover in this life that there is nothing greater
With great love for you all