Thursday, February 20, 2014

my brothers my brothers may I ask 
Just what is your task
Is it to hide and stop the fun we had
Or is it to see that everyone's glad
How do you enliven their hearts 
If it's from our ways that you part
Afraid to reach out and take a chance
Looking back with only a glance
Tell me tell me with you where did I fail
Why do you seem to put every one in jail
so hear me loud and clear 
for you i am here 
i will help in what ever ways i can 
to enliven the hearts of all in the land
i love you all way too much 
to not bring that loving touch
so i am here for you as i always have been
to help reveal there is none else besides him

So the body aches in pain
Leaving you on your back again
Knowing you are responsible for your brothers care
Do you stand up and dare
Dare to hear the complaints and groans
Or care for the seed you've sown
By having greater desire to bestow
Rather than listen to what the body wants to show
To detach from the matter is no easy chore 
But it takes you willing to open that door

The Light That Shines In My Eyes

The light that shines in my eyes
Never wanes or dies
It shines only waiting for me to change
Directing me on how to rearrange
The things about me that conceal this light
Once revealed it changes my sight
What a beautiful gift to be given in this way
An opportunity to change night into day
The only thing needed is my effort to come out and play
Do you have what it takes to play this game with an open heart
Or does the thought of it make you want to part
Come together in love of friends and you will see
This is the only way to please

Bo' Rah

You Tell me You Love me so Much

 You tell me you love me so much

But you beat me so not to use you like a crutch

You guide me in all things I do

All so I can be just like you

Hitting me with the things you know will make not love but hate

All so I can reach that one gate

This gate of tears that you leave open to enter

Causes the will to receive to splinter

But with a way to correct

With out neglect

Bringing Adam back to being whole

As we unite to rebuild our soul

But not for what we think or say

Only to bring joy to Bo'Rah