Monday, April 4, 2016

The Push is On

The push is on 
For what we long 
Never to be forgotten again 
The time has come 
For all not some 
To open our hearts and begin 
To love each other 
Like sister or brother 
As we rise above what has been 
Loving the friends 
A message to send 
 That makes your heart grin 
Our efforts come ceaselessly 
As we change frequency 
While diving deep with in 
Only to uncover 
As we together discover 
There is none else besides Him

Questions Arise

Questions arise 
The EGO'S spies 
The truth is yet to be revealed 
Crystal blue skies 
The EGO lies 
As to what it is that's concealed 
The light that reforms 
Helps us conform 
To what the heart feels 
All is from causality 
 Shaping our reality 
As the will to receive states what's real 
Choices made 
Double edge blade 
This reality that we feel 
Can be new 
If within you 
We correct what's broken and surreal