Tuesday, November 20, 2012

With all the Perils in the Land

With all the perils in all the lands
And man’s unwillingness to take a stand
It’s a wonder were all still around
As the will to receive grinds us into the ground
Revealing the connection filled with greed
As we amass more than we need
Only by opening the heart can we see
The true connection between you and me
But this is a task not done alone
A task that nature to us has shown
As we open our hearts and rise above our minds
A task that only together will we find
As we learn to treat each other with love and respect
Rather than the total neglect
Learning to rise above our egoistic desires
Opening our hearts with a burning fire
As the flames consume all our actions to date
Leaving our egoistic state
Helping us all to connect
To natures love and respect
Leaving no stone unturned
As within our hearts the fire burns
Bringing us all to this state of love
Shown to us from above
Living and loving each other with in
As we are shown there’s none else besides him