Introduction to articles by Dr Laitman
1. The Arvut article is the most important article I would say for explaining the role of the people of Israel, of everyone, of humanity, because after the giving of the Torah, the Matan Torah, the first article that Baal HaSulam wrote for the people at that time, the second article is the Arvut, mutual guarantee. Mutual guarantee comes from above but why do we receive it and how do we implement the lights in the Arvut between us and that was the reason the shattering happened in the Kli of Adam HaRishon. In the unification of that Kli, all those fragments of that Kli altogether, each and every one of us we come to a state we're together, we reveal the Creator and all of creation and the entire process and the thought of creation and the purpose from beginning to end, all through the connection between us and inside the connection between us. What we attain in the power of mutual guarantee, we attain the upper force, the Creator. And accordingly, we come to the final state called adhesion, our adhesion with the Creator. So, there isn't any more important action than the Arvut in practice and this is how we have to see in our situation, the process that we have to go through and our purpose. Around that we have a lot of material and articles but whatever we read, it's all aimed at the keeping of the Arvut also in our life each and every moment we have to be aimed at that, am I coming closer to the concept of Arvut more and more? And I don't need to have some other goal before me. Only that one. And if we establish it, arrange it correctly we will immediately see how our entire life acquires different colours. How all the problems including the current crisis with the coronavirus and others that are waiting along the way, all of that falls on us because it's trying to awaken us to Arvut. Hence, if we see even a small malfunction or a great one, it's correction is only in increasing the Arvut between us. So let's try to think only of that all of the time especially after yesterday when we started to arrange it and establish it between us and between all the people in the world and will continue on our path. Good luck to us