The ceaseless cry's from the eagles in flight
Weary the soul and bring about fright
Leaving one to wonder for what do i long
Only seeing whats right or wrong
Never considering my perception is scewed
Only making choices that leave me screwed
Untill i join the group with a united stand
Nulifying the ego before the brothers so grand
Opening the heart to feel the love
Aiming our sight toward nature above
Teaching the world how to change their stance
Thinking of them all as we sing and dance
Only this unified integral system will hold
As all the wariors stand steady and dont fold
Helping each other stand fast and prepare
Exciting eachothers hearts as only we dare
So join in and start this dance
Stop looking at things from a momentary glance
Stop thinking only about the state your in
And excite your brothers heart so all can begin
To do what needs to be done
To join together and become ONE