Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The wheels of change will forever roll

The wheels of change will forever roll
Bringing us closer to being whole
As the Zohar we read brings us the light
Changing to the day from the night
As we listen to the words that are spoke
While holding the intention to repair what broke
Bringing us closer to that fabled part
Where we become one man with one heart

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Preparation has not started it never did end

Preparation has not started for it never did end
As we prepare for the desert truly within
Then off to brazil where our hearts will grow
As we bring back to the US where we reap what we sow
All depends on the desire inside
This is not the time to run and hide
But to stand up and participate in the preparation at hand
To care for each other as united we stand
United in our desire and our plea
Forgetting totally about you and me
Coming together with nothing to say
Seeking to turn the night into day
Not looking how to have fun
As we untie together to become ONE