Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How much more do the 99 have to give

How much more do the 99 have to give

So the 1 percent can continue to live

Their life of wealth and fame

While bringing the 99 percent to shame

As all that they do they do on our backs

Creating this crisis so they don’t lack

But what did they really create

Wage slavery with locked gates

Systems incomplete and set up to fail

Like a train with no brakeman setting up to derail

With all the injustice that is in the land

If the 99 are united in their stand

United in everything so the 1 can see

That the answers lye in Mutual Guarantee

We have come to this epic deficiency

We have come to this epic deficiency

Where no one can gain proficiency

At taking care of ones needs

As the crisis has us on their knees

Creating slavery through wage and hour

Robbing the 99 percent of their power

The power though is not lost just yet

As all one has to do is to connect

Connect in a way that will make the world see
That the only way to live is in mutual guarantee