Wednesday, February 10, 2010

From the time you’re born to the time you die

From the time you’re born to the time you die
Life exist through the dark of the night
Filled with scorn that just won’t fly
No matter what you can’t see any light
So how does one move from the night to the day
As the sorrow you feel beats you down
The Rav, the books, and the group during study will attract the light that will sway
This raises man so that in filth he won’t drown
To find the force that exists only in the group
Because you do not have enough power on your own
This creates between you a never ending loop
And when uniting in a group you will be shown
Just how to advance and truly raise man
This is not done by you but by the group as a whole
All of this is part of the plan
Of how to truly create your soul
With great love for you all