Monday, May 24, 2010

The moon is Bright

The moon is bright
It shadows the light
The oceans are rising
Not surprising
The light is strong
Our filters are wrong
Do we stand up and dare
Or fall back in despair
We must reveal the force
Demanding from the source
As we come together to bond
With no rights or wrongs
With love in faith above reason
The only thing that will please him

How Does One Know

How does one know
From the depths of there soul
Just what is truth or lie
How does one show
What it is to be whole
Before the body rots and dies
You start from below
As you begin to extol
All the friends with love you supply
The energy’s gone
You can’t go on
As you sit in prayer and cry
What’s been concealed
Is now revealed
As the force of love is why
We suffer our course
To be one with the source
As this illusion goes away Bye Bye

Troubles at large

We see our youth
Drinking vermouth
And we wonder what’s gone awry
Our jobs are lost
Our marriage was tossed
And to the lord we sit and cry
Our complaints are stilled
And the demands are chilled
As nature does not seem to care
This feeling of loss
As actions grow moss
Because we didn’t stand up and dare
To seek the truth
As a sleuth
To this illusion we call life
With all the dismay
We forgot how to pray
Its like playing a musical fife
With only one thing
That will bring
The unity above the strife
Can you dig it


The struggles begin
There’s nothing but sin
So why does one even try
Locked in a cage
Filled with rage
With no hopes of how to comply
The cage you feel
Is not even real
But yet you cannot fly
Until you reveal
What’s been concealed
As it’s the friends you wish to buy
This united force
That resembles the source
In all is what you rely
So come along
And sing our song
Of a unity that can’t be denied