What does it take for man to see
How destructive his ego has led him to be
How the source of evil in the world today
Is directly proportionate to the EGO'S sway
Nonstop thoughts about the pleasures he doesn't obtain
Only seeing each other as their personal gain
And when Nature starts objecting to these thoughts we project
She goes into a mode to protect
You see Nature is a program with plus and minus
And when all your thoughts are for self is when we see her slyness
As she twist and turns events in your life
Filling it with straight up strife
Leaving one to wonder why life is so frayed
Or is it all just a charade
Put upon us to help us see without doubt
What our Nature is all truly about
And what about us that must change
How the desires we have we must rearrange
How deep the truth from us is concealed
But when we connect together it starts to reveal
And as the love between us begins to grow
We begin to change what we know
Bringing humanity from the depths of a living hell
To understanding our potential as it begins to unveil
Leading the world to becoming whole
As we bring joy to Nature rebuilding our soul