The 3 H's: A Guide to Winning Man's War with Nature
William Becker
Man’s programming is the Will To Receive, a need for self-gratification. All this means is that we are ruled by a constant desire for pleasure. It is instilled in us from the time we are born into this body, which is one of many that the soul uses. Like changing shirts, man's soul changes bodies. When the body dies, the soul returns back to the source. Man is born to return to the source before the body dies.
This isn’t too clear in daily life. Partly because life in today's society is not easy. We work longer hours for less money. We have less time to enjoy what we accumulate, and a big part of the problem is that everyone accumulates mostly only for themselves. Americans are great packrats, not all but most, and even those that don't packrat, actually do. We consume until it all but consumes us.
Man in general is so obsessed with acquisition in one form or another. It is more than evident in the poor and homeless, but harder to see it in everything from financial markets toyed around with by millionaire bankers, or in the price of groceries and anything else you could ever want. Man's basic built-in system is corrupted from the get go.
Not an easy job at all, but a more than needed job as civilization once again faces the age old battle of good vs evil.
The good we reference here is the connection and the revelation of unconditional love, which is what the source is. Some call it Nature, some call it The Creator, or Universal Consciousness. Many names for one source. The qualities of this source are threefold. There are three major rules to abide by so you can be one with Nature.
The first quality is Annulment, humbling one’s self. Easy word, scary to most, and hated by the rest. What does it mean? How does one utilize it? What do I get for emulating it?
The act of Annulling, this is complete submission to something, whether it's a person, place, or thing. Our nature will not allow us to annul anything unless we see a payoff of some kind. Now that payoff can come by way of say a pleasure, or acquisition, which is an extension of pleasure. Without reward, we can’t even annul a belief or an emotion, since things along these lines are also regulated by desire. And the desire always wants a reward of some kind.
So to replace an unwanted belief or emotion we have to have something else we can wrap our heads around. If one wants to replace a habit, it is known that you have to have something else to replace it with. Let’s replace it with the infinite beauty of Nature, a feeling of oneness and connection with the universe. This is a must. No reward, no action.
When you are speaking to a friend or family member, try to annul before what they are saying for the sake of nature, to restore balance in your life and in the world. This is the source of real limitless pleasure. Even so, you will see just how impossible it is on your own to do. But trying helps a lot. This means that while your friend or family member is talking, instead of formulating a response, listen to them and quit the constant thinking and calculating of your mind, so you can truly hear and feel what someone else is saying. If you try to do this with all your heart annulment starts to take place and you can open up a space for love.
After annulment in our threefold plan comes inclusion. The act of including, an easy enough concept and we do a tiny bit of inclusion in our daily life. We have to. But here we go back to that talk with the family member or friend. After hearing them with our heart and ears, we try to feel as if what they are saying is our words, coming from our heart.
You hear it with anticipation and adjust your thoughts to theirs. This again is hard to do on your own. You must, but you are not able. But when you find a group of like-minded souls that all feel the same desire, when you annul and include yourself in that group, you find great strength to include your heart with the perception of others easy enough without even thinking about it. It just happens on its own.
And the third quality is enlivenment, you know to give life and energy to others. Easy enough to give life, action or spirit to other people. The one easy place to see or to use enlivenment is when you see a friend down in the dumps. Maybe work is too hard, maybe the wife and kids are difficult. Many reasons will put someone down for the count, but you see it constantly. You need to take action. You help yourself as much as much as your friend when you enliven his or her spirits. Buy him or her a beer, or a soda, or whatever small thing you know they like and tell jokes. Do whatever it takes to bring a smile to his or her heart, anything to bring up their mood, even if you don’t feel like it. Even if the person seems annoyingly happy, enliven them. Every person out there always has a place where one can enliven their hearts to a happier, higher state.
We just stay so wrapped up in our own shit we don't see others suffering.The fact is everyone around you suffers, even that jovial fellow or gal that never seems to fall off his track. Trust me, they too suffer, just in different ways than others. But if we are too caught up in our own life, we miss Nature’s opportunities laid out right before us to find and share a force of love and giving and joy, unlike anything you have ever faced or experienced, ever in all of your many lives lived.
Now I call these the 3 H’s because in Hebrew they are respectively, Hitbatlut (Annulment), Hitkalilute (Inclusion) and Hitpalilute ( Enlivenment), so to me they are the 3 H’s and if we all can be examples of the 3 H’s at every given moment then the changes in our life and the lives of all of those around us will change. This works especially well in that environment of like minded people, people all with the same desire to be connected to each other and to Nature.
Now the Evil is when one receives for the sake of selfish pleasures, with no regard to people, places or things. Meaning that we use it all to get what we want and do not care about who or what gets hurt in the process. Sometimes the evil manifests in ways you hardly notice.We use each other for our livelihood,and do not care what it costs the other person, as long as we receive pleasure. This Will To Receive,is in fact the EGO.
The irony is we have written about it all throughout history. Nations rise and fall, in the time it takes to change shirts. We have seen it, lived it and told about it, and still our EGO hides it from us in plain sight. We don’t know to what level we are controlled by this Ego that guides, directs and inspires us to do what it is we do even if it harms others.
But becoming like Nature herself requires our ego. It first means we have to know what we are and to what depths our packrat mentality resides within us.
We can form a better alternative. This we can only do together as a group of like minded individuals, each with their own unique part.
You may be wondering why I’m reading the words of this Texan. Who or what brought me here? The simple answer is Nature did, because as I said earlier, we are meant to return to Nature from this conscious state of existence, if you can call it that.
I think you’ll find when you start digging that our ideas of life and truth is nothing more than a dream. Once you become one with Nature by understanding Her, you will see just how asleep at the wheel you truly are. This lost place is how you find true freedom, beauty and paradise. You can calibrate yourself to the perfection of nature, which to me sounds a lot better than following the lead of a broken culture of untalented egos, fake news and useless products.