I have walked through my heart from stem to stern
Trying to see for what do I yearn
Finding empty desires that will never be filled
Seeing only the blood that’s been spilled
Dying from a state from which I can’t break free
Wondering why I can’t unite with thee
Then I realize it’s not I holding me back
But a force that is a self-serving lack
Hiding and confusing me from my youth
Keeping me from seeing the truth
You my brothers bring me my soul
Allowing me to rise above the ego and become whole
You are the ones that allow me the chance
To fulfill natures plan as we sing and dance
Without you each and all
I would be in the filth where I fall
So no matter what you do never stop
Let us unite and go straight to the top
And fulfill this plan that we all do follow
And stop being egoist so vain and shallow
Let us rejoice and bask in the sun
As we unite together to be The ONE!