Sunday, September 15, 2013

What is This Light in my Eyes

What is this light in my eyes
Revealing all my egoistic lies
Showing me just how evil I am
Showing me how my life is a sham
Can’t you tell me please
Just what it is I need
To fill this hole deep in my soul
That keeps me from feeling whole
Help me find that one part
That rebuilds this broken heart
Help me help me if you please
Help me see just how you tease
Is there any hope in this life
Other than being alone in strife
Or is it that I am not alone
As this light I see has shown
That everyone that I see
Is there to show me what I need
To correct what needs to change inside of me
Revealing just how we can be

Standing Alone in a Field of Green

Standing alone in a field of green
Am I alone or is it a dream
Void of all thoughts and cares
Am I alone or do I dare
Vacant of feelings of hurt and shame
Am I alone or going in sane
Empty of hatred and lust
Am I alone about to bust
Standing next to you heart and soul
Am I alone helping to see just who’s in control
Uniting our desires with in me
Is what it takes to truly see
We are never alone 

Gathering in Groups Around the World

We gather in groups around the world
Sharing a wisdom filled with pearls
Striving to fulfill natures plan
Learning what it means to do all we can
As new levels inside me are revealed
And a bridge between us we are striving to build
Rising above the EGO’s span
Seeking to love our fellow man
Learning what it is to become whole
As we commit to rebuild Adams soul
Only together building a desire to unite
As we go to the world to help them adjust their sight
Seeking to absorb their desires as our own
Funneling the light to correct them as the sages have shown
Only together can we raise mann
Fulfilling completely natures plan

The World is Crumbling Around our Feet

The world is crumbling around our feet
Leaving us with no food to eat
As civil unrest in country’s all around
Leaving us to wonder, where are we bound
Abductions and murders are on the rise
As the ego releases all its spies
Becoming harder and harder to pay our bills
Leaving fear and dismay being all one feels
With no connections to my fellow man
Planning to use them all that I can
How can I turn this all around
And change where it is that I am bound
What is it that is missing in life
How do I rise above the strife
Help me lord I beg you please
Take all this shit off of me
Help me to change from this lust and greed
To helping each other with what they need
I know I cannot change where I stand
Because everything that is done is within your hands