It’s time for congress once again
A time for people to truly begin
With a practical example of what we
A united effort to help us yearn
A time of connection of the heart
Man, what a beautiful place to start
Why there’s the Rav, the group and the
Everything designed so inside you’ll
To see just what you see
A heart felt connection to the kli
There’s music and food and lectures
you know
To help you, to the creator bestow
Through your brothers that you are
connected too
All this is happening inside of you
It’s a once in a life time experience,
you don’t want to miss
I can truly promise you this
That if you do everything you can
To make it to the convention and help
raise man
That the experience given at quite a
Will never ever be lost
It will ignite your heart to a mighty
And my brothers you’ll never be the
Because at the congress you can get a
brief glimpse
Of the beauty of the creator and all
of his gifts