Tuesday, September 20, 2011

All of reality is but an exercise from above

All of reality is but an exercise from above
Sent to us from a force called love
But unlike any love that we think we know
Brought to us just to show
Just how opposite one is to natures plan
As one spins in circles chasing all the desires he can
This conceals from us the plan for life
As part of the concealment one feels only strife
Never stopping to discern
Or think of ones friend with concern
So I ask you, I beg you to go deep with in
And try to discover where and how it all begins
With Love of friends

As I sit and watch the friends so alive

As I sit and watch the friends so alive
This enlivens my heart and helps me thrive
In a society who’s united goal
Is to help the world become whole
Through the actions that we take
Which are all designed to make
The hearts open wide and begin
To seek the answers to life deep within
And seeing that the only way to be
On a path that will set us free
As we open our life to mutual guarantee