Friday, May 13, 2011

Caught in a Maze

We are caught in this maze we call reality
With no understanding about spirituality
Wondering through life’s actions to only receive
Giving unconditionally is not perceived
Being guided through actions all throughout life
Some bringing pleasures others bring strife
Continually going through this or that concession
Bringing all to the point of asking a question
About the meaning of life and what it means
Only knowing life is not what it seems
Looking for answers with every means at ones disposal
Finding only one plausible proposal
To be at one with natures plan
To reunite the connection in between man
To bring all of humanity back to being whole
As One Man, With One Heart & Soul

When You Wake in the Morning

When you wake in the morning and wipe the sleep from your eyes
As you open the curtains to feel the sun rise
As you state your intention from the heart
For the unity of man to return and never part
But actions must be taken throughout the night and day
Each to bring excitement to the friends so in the system they will stay
Uniting the desires and sensing them with in
Which brings everyone back to There’s None Else Besides Him!