Dichotomy of Sorts
We know that the creator controls all
Whether we rise high or take a fall
So when things happen that we know just aren’t right
And we know it is the creator bringing us his light
We still always seem to let the pride rush in
Taking us away from where we begin
Never looking at the goal at hand
Totally forgetting just how grand
Each and every one of you truly are
You’re like the shiniest of blue stars
We forget that the goal is to connect
We do nothing but truly neglect
All of our responsibilities for our fellow man
And just what it means to truly take a stand
Then just to add to it we are sent in exile alone
Again we forget all that we’ve been shown
But the creator is cleaver and never gives up
Bringing us the light in a sup
This wakes us up and helps us to see
That the only thing that matters is connecting to thee
I love you all my friends