Saturday, December 12, 2009

As you sit amongst the pains in life

As you sit amongst the pains in life
Filled with fear and horror and strife
How is it that one can know?
Just exactly how past the ego to grow
The sages say that it starts with love of friends
But know dear friend that is not where it ends
In truth this is where it begins
Loving your friend as you do yourself
Though it’s hard to imagine in and of itself
This is truly creations plan
Brought to us by those who dared to stand
In the path of truth and unconditional love
Something in this life that you know nothing of
But to bound together as one man one heart and one soul
As to your friends you truly extol
As you connect to them and fulfill their desire
With no thought to self this is how man raises higher
So do your work deep within
Using faith above reason you will begin
To raise man to the next state
As you sit before the creator eating all he placed on your plate
Only together can we make a difference in the land
Only together can we truly make a stand
Just as the creator had planned

Why is it So Hard

Why does it seem so G-d damn hard
As if all the doors and wind0ws are totally barred
Why do those that call them self your friend
Only seek to use you in the end
As you toil and struggle in your daily life
Only seeing more unrelenting strife
How does one truly let go
Of that thing in you called the ego
How does one truly open his heart?
We are told there is only one place to start
To start by seeing how inside all are connected
And then revealing why this within all this is rejected
As this revelation which till now has been concealed
Now for the first time is totally revealed
It brings everyone to this one state
Where connection is the only way to clear the slate
Connection to each and all
Holding each up against a fall
Fulfilling the others desires for the goal
Bringing us together one man one heart one soul
So unless you want to be left emptily
Look inside now to see we are family
We great love to  you my family