Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Friends Are Calling

The friends are calling turning night into day
The heart is opening in every way
This life we live holds only one purpose
And it is not for what lies on the surface
The path is clear and the way is set
For all of humanity to completely forget
The egoistic means that is all that has been known
As we sit at the round tables and with love show
Just what it means to rise above the hate
As humanity unites their hearts and opens the gates
All to bring balance back to natures force
As nature embraces us with love from the source
A source that is constant and never changes in the end
A love so strong that our ego will bend
To be corrected by the light of love
Transcending all transgressions that come from above
Only this unity will save this world
So clear your heart and speak only loving pearls
As we come together to heal our land
Arm in arm and hand in hand
Together As One!