Jews of the world have you got it yet
How to shake this relentless regret
Regret for taking money as your new G-D
Regret for treating others like a slob
Regret for forgetting why the Creator filled your plate
Because you didn’t do to others that which you hate
Or are you still hiding behind that money tree
I know in your heart you won’t agree
But the truth is the truth no matter how you bake it
So allow me to just simply shake it
We have an obligation to the world at hand
To unite together as only we can
No other peoples on this earth have the strength
Just look at all the wars and to what lengths
That the nations of the world have take to make us fall
Yet we unite under G-d and stand 20 feet tall
It’s this unity we demonstrate when we’re threatened
Not a member of our society is ever neglected
We watch out for our own
Until we start our business as we have shown
Then we don’t care what the others do
Because you’ll get all you can out of the few
The few who come to you for your goods
And what do you do but leave them, out in the woods
Our unity is what makes us not these dealings so corrupt
It’s how we treat each other it can not be so abrupt
The world wants us to show them how to unite
That’s why towards us they hold such spite
They know we have what they need
Without all the corruption and greed
To unite as one man one heart and soul
Bringing their sorrow filled life back to being whole