The whispering mountains are telling a tail for folks
How the earth is correcting our connection which has broke
With monster storms raging through the lands
Preparing us for the Pole shifts that’s at hand
As land masses rise and fall
Due to our broken connection in all
All in attempt to heal what ails
That Virus that’s killing the earth, our EGO which prevails
Everything happening to force us despite
Our ongoing refusal to just simply unite
But by simply just playing that 3H’s game
That raises us above the EGO searching his name
Connecting to each and everyone
Loving them all like father to son
not doing to others that which you hate
Starts correcting that EGO, not negate
Choosing to be in Love of Friends
Brings us mutually to Arvut, a force that never ends
Living in paradise, fulfilling HIS dream
Bringing joy to all of HIS created beings