Sunday, January 31, 2010

As the reading of the Zohar goes

As the reading of the Zohar goes
A new state is revealed that shows
Where the path starts to reveal
As the light corrects what is concealed
Excitement floats through the air
As the mega congress is over and a new one dares
The new congress that’s at hand
This brings the Zohar to stand out grand
The focus of this congress shall be
How to connect the Zohar to what’s inside of thee
So do not despair or hide
Get ready for this fabulous ride
As the connection gained raises the tide
As all that is revealed is truly inside
With great love for you all 

As time moves on and congresses evolve

As time moves on and congresses evolve
The closer to answers of the riddles are solved
Each creating atmospheres of love and connection
All that is needed for the correction
As hatred is revealed and brought to the surface
Building a desire right out of the furnace
The furnace of desire built on love
Like slipping on a perfect glove
The only one that will do
This is what is needed to connect through and through
So as preparations are made for the Zohar’s convention
Now is the time to prepare the intention
To hold the mega congress that was just on
Deep in the heart and that connection that’s so strong
To maintain what has been given
For it is that love that keeps the force driven
With great love for you all L’Chaim 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Amusement Park of Life

Amusement Park of Life
Life is like an amusement park filled with games and ploys
Designed as a distraction filled with rides and toys
But when entering the park as the games begin
The instructions follow that bring the grins
To ride every ride until the big one at the end
What kind of message does this send?
As the last ride approaches one can only find
The greatest of rollercoasters on any kind
One that when ridden takes the you through all of these states
This in turn builds a desire for all the rest to dissipate
As it changes reality before one’s eyes
Showing all that it’s nothing but lies
Meant to reveal the opposing forces
That makes up reality straight from the source
When man enters the park he is not ready to see
Just exactly what is inside of thee?
But when he makes it to that last ride
Now man no longer hides
As he connects to all in the cart
With love and an open heart
Excitement is behind each and every turn
Up and down the hills and through the berms
Speeding up and slowing down
All to confuse and bring each back ground
Only to restart that treacherous climb
You know that one that transcends time
Bringing all to the final state
One that no one as yet can relate
So close the eyes and open the heart
Feel what you feel as the ride starts
Ask all the questions that help that inner vision see
Just how like the source you can be
But first you have to try and stand up to dare
To ride this ride and with all share
With great love for you all

Monday, January 25, 2010

Life without friends is filled with pain and sorrow

Life without friends is filled with pain and sorrow
Cutting to the bone oozing out the morrow
Lives in a world build on lust and greed
Is not worth living unless planting a new seed
Life without love of the unconditional kind
Is a life that truly is confined
Life is a mystery with no answers at hand
Life without a purpose truly is bland
What is the purpose of life can someone reveal
Life as lived is totally concealed
Life is a four letter word with hidden meaning to find
And until it’s revealed all are blind
So stand up to life and seek your answers bold
Don’t do things just because told
Seek the answers by searching deep within
When that starts is when life truly begins
With great love for you all to have a loving life

Being lost in the night as the sand fills the shoes

Being lost in the night as the sand fills the shoes
Knowing the only task is to pay the dues
Never knowing if or where the travels have been
Not even knowing if one has sinned
Traveling the desert with no hope or praise
Traveling in the night never reaching the days
But then like magic a spark does fly
As quick as it came it left darkening the skies
The spark came about from a gathering of souls
Briefly leaving all feeling whole
For a moment in this thing called time
Life had meaning purpose and rhyme
But then it ended leaving all alone
Only with memories of the light that had shone
It is in this memory that one can prevail
Due to this memory the ship does sail
So keep this memory close at hand
So when the ministers arrive it can be viewed so grand
This bonding and connection that exist within
Once revealed it can heal the sin
Remembering the brothers with dance and song
Keeping their desires is for what you long
Holding them up when they fall
Reaching out to them with a friendly call
With love and care only for their growth
Never forgetting arvut, the oath
With great love for you all

Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to break free from the pains of life

How to break free from the pains of life
No money no job not even a wife
All the things that help to blend
The corporeal and spiritual to its end
Coupled with the books, the Rav and the group
These are the ingredients for the bowl of soup
That must be eaten day and night
To bring all to the light
The light that reforms and helps transcend
When missing these ingredients where to begin
Never stop with the lessons at hand
All of the disturbances are what was planed
To aid in the discoveries of this force
Never understanding it of course
But try, and try and try again
Never giving up or giving in
No matter the troubles that are thrown
All is only so the truth will be shown
Just how opposite things are within the upheaval
Again only to help reveal the evil
So remember the books, the Rav, and the groups
When the evil is revealed and the cries of whoops
Call out from within as the goal is truly started
Then the real work begins truly open hearted
With love for  you all

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ubiquitous Force

Ubiquitous Force

This is a force that is like the wind
Once it’s revealed deep within
This is when the real work begins
There is no hiding or running away
As it pulls from inside in every way
Only helping teach how to pray
So just what is this ubiquitous force
To truly find out just ask the source
The answer will leave you filled with remorse
Stay steadfast with resolve within the desire
As this quest reaches for something much higher
Revealing just how this reality is such a liar
A person judges only what the eyes do see
As one truly try’s with all his plea’s
To find a much higher degree
Only to find that it comes through the group
Joining together in an endless loop
Like one united unified troop
Never relenting as the light is always there
With man truly opening up to dare
To spread the love and share
Not looking after one’s own desires at all
Being on call to help those that fall
Wrapping there love around them like a shall
So with great love for all to warm their hearts
With prayers from deep within that no one will part
As all join together for the only start
That will work
With love for you all