Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A New Day’s Dawn

The gathering happened around the world
Bestowal and love began to swirl
With thoughts and desires focused as one
With 60 different countries’ it has begun
The Kli is forming to be fulfilled
As every ones focus is to unite and reveal
What throughout time has been concealed
The point of breakage between man
Will be revealed so the light truly can
Repair the breakage once and for all
As no man again will have to suffer a fall
The connections felt are real and true
If you keep the heart open you can feel them too
Whenever you need to feel the delight
As we reveal the creator and all of his light

Our Life it Seems

Our life it seems
Is filled with dreams
On just how it should go
But then we find
We are not so kind
As it’s our ego that only wants to show
The path we take
The choices we make
Are not ours to squander or waste
The worlds concealed
Will be revealed
When we join together and taste
So come along
Singing the song
Of unity and love for all
It won’t take long
No rights or wrongs
As our unity tears down that wall

Friday, July 16, 2010

What does it take to break this wall

What does it take to break this wall
When every attempt generates yet another fall
With each ever changing state
Doing all one can to follow his fate
Only brings discord with great irony
But when achieved restores natures harmony
Following the sages words of the proven path
With encouragements of how to rise above the wrath
All concealed neatly with in
Gives one a place to begin
Israel Boreh
The connection between is the pay
All one has to do is follow the way
And never falter or stray
To bring in the light of the new day
Only together 

We think in this life, love we know

We think in this life, love we know
But selfishness & reception is all we show
Even in loving our children who fly on wings
We 0nly do it for the pleasures it brings
The life one lives, is lived by lies
Even when one truly tries
They can’t stop seeking the pleasures
For there is only one way to reach the kings treasure
Only through unity each and all
Helping each other as they have their falls
Never looking at their own spiritual path
As the focus is on yours and fighting the wrath
Only together can the kli be right
To receive all of the creators delight
But if there’s no unity to be found
Horrible outcomes from nature we’re bound
So untie, unite, and unite this day
And please I beg you through away
Chasing self reception in all its ways
Truly look at your life and all you do
And ask yourself how much is reception for you
If your honest and can truly see
Everything you do is reception for thee
Only together can we win this war
So unite and fight like tomorrow is no more

Monday, July 12, 2010

There is Nothing About the Ego that can be Believed

There is nothing about the Ego that can be believed
Not even the thoughts that you seemingly conceive
All are lies until unity is complete
Everything done till then is only for the sweets
To be stuck in this life that is a living hell
Shrouds your heart and makes your head swell
It’s so easy to get lost in the egoistic lies
This is why only the group gives one the strength to try
And if the group is focused towards the goal
This is where it starts in making ones soul
Ein Ode Milvado

It's so Easy to Hide

It’s so easy to hide behind the egoistic lies
What a great excuse so you don’t have to try
You know you are built this certain way
So rather than play the game you just simply say
I am what I am it’s how G-d made me
Instead of playing the game to see what you can be
By playing the game the aviut builds up
And gives one the chance to not drink from ego’s cup
But to rise above the troubles in faith that will come to hand
As this is part of the work to truly raise Mann
To work through the difficulties until it’s revealed
Just who’s in control and why it’s all concealed
So what is your stand?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Faith Above Reason

How does one rise in Faith Above Reason
To the EGO this is truly high treason
As the Lord will appear at the Oaks of Mamre
The only way to know is to go and see
Aner will fight you tooth and nail
While Eshcol weighs to no avail
And Mamre brings truth to help you prevail
As the Creator appeared to Him by the oaks of Mamre

Friday, July 9, 2010

Misplaced Love

When one loves another with all there might
Thinks only of pleasing them both day and night
But then one try’s only to find
That in truth is it’s all in the mind
A calculation for reception of sorts
For the pleasure they receive at each port
Never realizing that its they whom they please
That is why for some love comes with such ease
But when that love leaves one alone
This is when the ego moans
Never allowing one to see
That the only one they love is truly thee
Concealment of your nature you do not know
Revelation of the breakage will not show
Until one sees just what they are
And how they play everyone like a guitar
Uniting with the friends with in the group
Requires ones ego to jump through hoops
Doing the things that the ego hates
But only by doing so can one eat from the plate
So unite today bring forth your heart
And from the path never part
Elevate your friends above yourself
Placing the ego upon the shelf
Loving your neighbor as you love yourself

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mega Congress Bound

Mega Congress Bound
There is nothing more to assess
As time grows nearer to the Mega Congress
Where corporeal life and all that it holds
Is left behind to enfold
The Kli grows stronger as the sparks fly around
Bringing your hearts to where they are bound
Bringing to all this beautiful opportunity
To truly join together in love and unity
So don’t sit around on your asses
And don’t be like the rest of the masses
Come to the Mega congress at a center near by
And feel the love as the sparks start to fly
Only together can we succeed
Just bring your love that is all you need
See you All there