Monday, April 30, 2012

11 days away from the ONE!

We are 11 days away from Becoming the ONE!
With all the efforts currently going on
Have we clarified for what we long?
With meetings before and after every lesson at night
Are focused in doing what we can to bring  the light?
With push coming to shove and the world in despair
Are we opening our hearts with love and care?
To share this wisdom to all that will hear
And not run to the corner to cower in fear
Or are forgetting to unite in love
So that the medicine needed will come from above
All I know is that it takes a village to raise a child
And uniting in love is unimaginably wild
So come my brothers to busy to care
Join us all as the world prepares
To unite in faith above reason
It is right now don't wait till next season
Because there might not be one
I love you all 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A poem by Molly Bolte

how I hate/love thee
let me count the ways

You are
so therefore I hate you
Let me count the ways

I'll start with your 

Then I'll hate your
skin color
any and every single body part you have or not

And of course I'll hate your
body type

Please don't forget that I hate your
energy level
and of course your personality

Seriously, I can't tolerate your
voting preferences nor your
sexual preferences

I totally reject your
eating habits

What can I possibly say about your
and supposed talents

Don't get me started about your

We can't forget your

And last but not least your
balance sheet and 

What ever can I say to you, you 'OTHER'

I how love hating thee!
Hating you, my love, is my passion, my sport, my favorite thing to do!
How I enjoy & delight in comparing, criticizing, critiquing you!
Shredding you from head-to-toe in sub-seconds when you flash before my mind or eyes - is so much fun!
I giggle with delight and rub my hands together - what a great murder I commit every second!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The ceaseless cry's from the eagles in flight

The ceaseless cry's from the eagles in flight

Weary the soul and bring about fright

Leaving one to wonder for what do i long

Only seeing whats right or wrong

Never considering my perception is scewed

Only making choices that leave me screwed

Untill i join the group with a united stand

Nulifying the ego before the brothers so grand

Opening the heart to feel the love

Aiming our sight toward nature above

Teaching the world how to change their stance

Thinking of them all as we sing and dance

Only this unified integral system will hold

As all the wariors stand steady and dont fold

Helping each other stand fast and prepare

Exciting eachothers hearts as only we dare

So join in and start this dance

Stop looking at things from a momentary glance

Stop thinking only about the state your in

And excite your brothers heart so all can begin

To do what needs to be done

To join together and become ONE

Monday, April 23, 2012

The light is far from dim
But time is running thin
On the actions that we now take
Not for our self but for natures sake
To unite into the one
As we absorb from the sun
All that is needed to correct and grow
Into the ONE and know
How truth, balance and Love truly can flow

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The preparations have begun

The preparations have begun
To bring our hearts into one
To view our friends as the greatest of the generation
Leaving behind all the separation
Looking at each other as we look at our self
Doing for each other as you do for yourself
Leaving behind all the troubles and stife
Forgetting about that dream called our life
Seeking only to begin
To find that love deep within
Love for your brothers above our perception
Leaving only room for the ONE connection
With you

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I have walked through my heart from stem to stern

I have walked through my heart from stem to stern
Trying to see for what do I yearn
Finding empty desires that will never be filled
Seeing only the blood that’s been spilled
Dying from a state from which I can’t break free
Wondering why I can’t unite with thee
Then I realize it’s not I holding me back
But a force that is a self-serving lack
Hiding and confusing me from my youth
Keeping me from seeing the truth
You my brothers bring me my soul
Allowing me to rise above the ego and become whole
You are the ones that allow me the chance
To fulfill natures plan as we sing and dance
Without you each and all
I would be in the filth where I fall
So no matter what you do never stop
Let us unite and go straight to the top
And fulfill this plan that we all do follow
And stop being egoist so vain and shallow
Let us rejoice and bask in the sun
As we unite together to be The ONE!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I am filled with this beleaguering despair

I am filled with this beleaguering despair

The body just simply doesn’t care

There’s no way out that I can see

Whatever will be just will be

And then there is this guiding light

That lifts me up filled with delight

As the faces not known I begin to see

There is only one way that we can be

United in our thought and desires so grand

Arm in arm hand in hand

Loving our brothers as we love our self

Keeping the ego upon the shelf

Holding each other as the highest in the land

As we become one with the plan

I love you all my brothers

Are you hiding from why we are here

Are you hiding from why we are here

Or are you sitting around in puddles of tears

Are we truly preparing for the next state

Or are we sitting on our hands, waiting on fate

Have we done everything we can from the start

To close our minds and open our hearts

To raise the importance of this notable time

As we become united and climb

The ladder rung by rung

Singing the songs so few have sung

Only together can we stand

United in our stand

To be ONE

Friday, April 13, 2012

With our united requests revealed

With our united requests revealed
What is the truth behind what we feel
Our ego hides everything in ones sight
Behind the pain and sufferings in one’s plight
Shadowing the purpose behind why we’re here
Twisting and turning love into fear
But through the love between man
And diving into the group as only we can
Will nature truly be revealed
In between that connection we feel

Friday, April 6, 2012

we come to receive the force to give

We come to receive the force to give
With no regard to how we live
Serving myself from day to day
The joy of life has gone away
With no understanding or way to fathom
The illusive way of the world of Adom
Seeing only a world filled with contention
As we unite our thoughts in the aravah convention
Bringing humanity one step closer
To reveal the works of the hidden composer
As Israel unites to sound the shofar
Heart to heart we’ve come quit far
As our loving father has opened this bag
The pearls of wisdom from Baruch Ashlag
As we bounce back and forth from left to right
Crying the prayer of many to aim our sight
As were/ united together to become whole
As one man with one soul
Written by the members of the Dallas Group