Sunday, September 15, 2013

What is This Light in my Eyes

What is this light in my eyes
Revealing all my egoistic lies
Showing me just how evil I am
Showing me how my life is a sham
Can’t you tell me please
Just what it is I need
To fill this hole deep in my soul
That keeps me from feeling whole
Help me find that one part
That rebuilds this broken heart
Help me help me if you please
Help me see just how you tease
Is there any hope in this life
Other than being alone in strife
Or is it that I am not alone
As this light I see has shown
That everyone that I see
Is there to show me what I need
To correct what needs to change inside of me
Revealing just how we can be

Standing Alone in a Field of Green

Standing alone in a field of green
Am I alone or is it a dream
Void of all thoughts and cares
Am I alone or do I dare
Vacant of feelings of hurt and shame
Am I alone or going in sane
Empty of hatred and lust
Am I alone about to bust
Standing next to you heart and soul
Am I alone helping to see just who’s in control
Uniting our desires with in me
Is what it takes to truly see
We are never alone 

Gathering in Groups Around the World

We gather in groups around the world
Sharing a wisdom filled with pearls
Striving to fulfill natures plan
Learning what it means to do all we can
As new levels inside me are revealed
And a bridge between us we are striving to build
Rising above the EGO’s span
Seeking to love our fellow man
Learning what it is to become whole
As we commit to rebuild Adams soul
Only together building a desire to unite
As we go to the world to help them adjust their sight
Seeking to absorb their desires as our own
Funneling the light to correct them as the sages have shown
Only together can we raise mann
Fulfilling completely natures plan

The World is Crumbling Around our Feet

The world is crumbling around our feet
Leaving us with no food to eat
As civil unrest in country’s all around
Leaving us to wonder, where are we bound
Abductions and murders are on the rise
As the ego releases all its spies
Becoming harder and harder to pay our bills
Leaving fear and dismay being all one feels
With no connections to my fellow man
Planning to use them all that I can
How can I turn this all around
And change where it is that I am bound
What is it that is missing in life
How do I rise above the strife
Help me lord I beg you please
Take all this shit off of me
Help me to change from this lust and greed
To helping each other with what they need
I know I cannot change where I stand
Because everything that is done is within your hands

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Storms have Begun

The storms have begun as the egos erupt
No longer hiding just how governments are corrupt
As they control, dominate and confuse
Just what the people can believe or use
As their systems they developed begin to fail
Leaving its citizens feel like hell
With them no solution lies in sight
As our citizens realize they are losing their rights
Leaving only one way to go
Coming together united to show
That all the problems we face divided
Can be overcome when we are united
So come together with your community now
And show them just what it is and how
To come together as the troubles rise
And just how to kill the spies
Seeking only to love our fellow man
This is nature’s plan 

Monday, June 24, 2013

We Meet in our Circles of Ten Every Day

We meet in our circles of ten every day
We don’t come to joke or play
We open our hearts as we share what’s inside
Leaving our intellect aside
Sharing our feelings above the hate
Seeking to find that new state
A state where there’s no concern for me
Where my friends heart is all I see
Where we treat each other with respect and love
Just as it’s directed from above
Where we constantly search with in
Only to discover there is none else but him

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sources of Light

There are sources of light that we cannot see
These lights enliven the forces between you and me
To activate these lights there must be a change
In how we treat each other must be rearranged
Don’t do to others that which you hate
Consider it like opening a gate
This will lead to love your neighbor as you love your self
By correcting everything else that is placed on the shelf
By rising above the hate and loving your friends
And keeping this high as a means to an end
By uniting together as one man with one heart
For the sake of bringing joy to the creator where we get this start
By working with heart and soul in the ten
All our work is done within
So engage in your ten with all you’re might
And this will activate the unseen source of light

Only Together 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The time has come

The time has come
The web is spun
As Unity is in the air
Hates a rising
Egos a spying
As we open our hearts to bare
The world’s sufferings
Leaving us wondering
If we have what it takes to dare
Only one accomplice
Bringing all to congress
Fulfilling natures plan as we prepare
To go from me to we to ONE!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Time has rolled by like the drifting sands

Time has rolled by like the drifting sands
As the winds blow the hatred over all the lands
Pushing each of us from behind
Showing us all how to hasten time
Bringing us obstacles and troubles galore
So we can rise above those things and people we abhor
Showing us all what we see in this life
That is filled with troubles and strife
Are brought to us from a remembrance from above
Showing us how to rise in love
So choose love over hatred with all the might you can
As we unite during congress to raise Mann
To come together as one man with one soul
To bring the world back to being whole
It’s up to each of us to just simply do
Everything possible to unite me to you 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Crisis at hand

Unemployment has risen and crime is on the rise
As man speaks ill of each other releasing his spies
The markets crash and then rise again
As everyone waits for the crisis to end
Education, health care and the elderly at risk
As the rich get richer and the poor get tricked
This thing we call the crisis at hand
It’s not about the money but the inner relations of man
Using each other for the sake of ones gains
As we make the same choices, expecting new results, that’s insane
Our choices must change from what we all know
To a place that’s uncomfortable, but where we know we must go
This place that two words best describes
A concept that within us we all have tried to hide
Mutual Responsibility is for what the public cries
Where we care about the sisters and brothers rising about all the lies
Where we unite together to rise above this crisis at hand
United in love above the hatred the true destiny of man

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Oh lord oh lord what can we do 
To reveal your perfection and the love from you
Oh brothers oh brothers how can this be 
We have eyes and ears yet we don't hear or see
What will it take to reveal 
The perfection between us that our ego's conceal
We know we can't do anything alone 
Yet we try with all our might against what is shown
How can I help my brothers in need 
To rise above the egoistic seed
The desire to help my brothers and all
Yet the more I try the more I fall
We must help each other as if it were thee
To rise above the hatred as we pick them up from their knees
To choose love above the hatred that we feel 
To gain a new sense  of what is real
I pledge to you my brothers this night
I will always be there to carry your plight
To pick you up when you fall
To help motivate you when you stall
To reveal the hatred that lies in between
And rise above in a love not seen
You who were brought to me from above 
To always cherish  and love 
You who are the greatest of the generation
Once united gain new sensations 
With love as we each join in 
Revealing that there's none else besides Him

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Russian brothers who have always cared
For the sake of the goal you stand up to dare
Dare to reveal the evil at hand
Dare to rise above it in love you stand
Dare to care for the world kli
Dare to open your hearts for the world to see
With love for each of you with all of my heart
It is because of you we have this start
A start that is surrounded in love and fear 
As you hold us all up with out shedding a tear 
Now as it stands accept our thoughts and love 
As our hearts are torn with the troubles from above 
We love you my brothers as only a brother can
We are proud to stand with you arm in arm, hand in hand 
Only together can we step out from with in
Only united can we discover " There's None Else Besides Him"

Monday, March 4, 2013

Our brothers in Europe who have had our backs
Are sitting in this place filled with lack 
Needing our thoughts and hearts as a whole
Needing us all to unite this soul
With congress coming just around the bend
What damn message do we wish to send 
Is it one of despair devoid of hope
Or is it our united love that for them we float
Join in join in with passion and glee 
And let us unite to one world kli
Jump on jump on as the boat sails by
Rising above our hatred allowing the love to fly
Hang on hang on as the thread of love nears
My we all support Europe whom to us is so dear
We love you Europe L'Chaim

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mutual Responsibility

With resolutions flying around in the air
There’s only one resolution that I dare
To unite with each and all
No matter what the pitfalls
To excite your heart and fill it with love
So you’ll fly high like the dove
Attracting the light that reforms
Helping you all to conform
To be one with the source
As we learn to unite with this force
Bringing harmony and peace to the land
Like only you my brothers and sisters can
As I pledge to you with all my ability
A true and loving Mutual Responsibility

As the New Year Dawns

As the New Year dawns and awakens in our hearts
We find there’s only one place to start
To be living in love of friends
As our intentions and desires blend
To be on man with one heart and soul
As we refuse to look at a life so droll
As a life without love of friends
Is a life that surly we must end
As we rise above the hate to find that love
The only thing worth being a part of
So rise above the EGO’S cries
Which is nothing but lies
Designed to confuse us and make us stray
From the path of love in every way
But when we come together and unite
The love and path of the guiding light
Brings us back to being whole
As one man with one heart and one soul