Friday, December 26, 2014

Generations have come and gone

Generations have come and gone
Were the last, to sing this song 
Love your neighbor as you do yourself 
Placing the ego on a shelf
If that's more then you can do
Then don't do to others that which is hated by you
Be honest, clear and concise 
That will eliminate a lot of strife
Join into the love of friends
Once in, it's a love that never ends
Unite with your tens as one man with one heart
Now you have a proper start
Unite together to formulate a prayer of many
Loosing any thoughts of self if any
See your group new every day
Follow the Rav advice and never sway
Now this game we must play in every way
Utilize the three H's every second you can 
Hitsbatlut, nullify before every man
Hitskalut, inclusion into the group with force
Hitspalut,  raising the hearts of your brother through the source
No matter how far along you are we are all equal 
Follow this guide and there will be no need for a sequel
As we unite and go deep with in
Bringing joy to the creator, discovering none else but him

Monday, December 22, 2014

Why is the Heart Aching So

Why is it the heart aching so 
Why can't the love in the heart flow
Why when we unite with others 
joining them like a sister or brother
Why does the light  find a way to break us out of our shell
What is this all encompassing light 
That is illuminating the night
Bringing joy and peace to the world
Making all our words and actions like shinning pearls
This light that reveals the United reality we can't see
Showing us how it's suppose to be
Living and loving all deep within 
Revealing that there is none else besides Him

We Struggle and Fight All of Our Life

We struggle and fight all our life
To break free from all this horrible strife
Coming and going from piller to post
Traveling to cities, coast to coast 
Unable to find even a moment of peace
Acting out like an untamed beast
What will it take to find that love
The kind that's given from above
A love so profound it makes the heart cry
Leaving one to wonder why oh why
Why does the world hate the Jews
Was it something they did specifically, to you
Why do people murder and steal
All this makes me wonder what's real
Is it real to see brothers argue and fight 
When will the Jews bring us the light?
What will it take to fulfill our obligation 
To bring peace, harmony and balance back to our nation 
Only our unity can complete this task
So unite today, as you raise that flask
Let's give gratitude back to the giver
As we rise above what makes our heart quiver
It's all in your hands 
This unity once achieved is so grand
It only takes you doing your part
So come on damnit, right now, let's start 
Together as one man with one heart and soul
let's make this world whole
Through our unity,  which will bring joy to the Creator 
Is there anything greater

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Commitment, we all act like it's a four letter word

Commitment, we all act like it's a four letter word
With nasty insinuations, it's so absurd
Self reception, this we know like the back of our hand
It's all we've known through many life spans
Giving to others with nothing in return
Most people think it's in hell you'll burn
The unity of Israeli is no piece of cake
It's not a utopian dream nor is it fake
It's what must happen right now today
Every Jew in the world must participate in every way
The next world war is around the corner, waiting to start
Waiting only for us Jews to unite our hearts
But we are so afraid of that nasty word when we hear it we through a fit
That's right all we need to do is to commit
Even amongst ourselves from this word we hide
It's as if something in our hearts have died
With frustration so high, in between the sighs
All I can do is of heart and soul cry
But if we come together to commit to raise Mann
If it's united in desire we stand
To bring joy back to the one that gives
Then a peaceful life filled with love and joy is where you'll live
So right now this moment as you read these words of whit
Knowing full well that the ego's a piece of shit
Jump up and down and scream
Right now it's our unity to which I cling
Shout from the roof tops expressing the joy
That the unity were holding is for every man, woman and boy
So let’s do what’s right
Use all our united might
To spread the light
That will unite
Us all

Monday, December 15, 2014

Our Day is Set Our Path is Clear

Our day is set the path is clear
It’s our brother’s desires we hold dear
To bring the light that reforms
To give the brothers what they need to be born
To birth our soul that we rebuild
As we create this united vessel to be filled
With that light so they can do
What is needed to care about you
Each and every one from their hearts place
Demanding the light fills their open space
With what we need to unite
No matter the ego’s complaints and despite
All that the body tries to show
All to reveal the evil within, but this you know
So keep this movement alive and strong
Try to fulfill for what your brothers long
Remind each other every second of the day
If you don’t feel it, then make it a game to play
Join in join in and let the unity begin
All from the heart as we discover none else but him