Thursday, December 29, 2016

People come and people go

People come people go
Never knowing what is real
Some leave the path
Some evoke wrath
And some reap just what they sow
Experimenting with what they feel
Some change clothing returning to the source
If they’re in your heart they add to the force
Never a tear to shed for such souls
For they followed Nature's path, with such zeal
Once you let them into your heart
They never leave you they can never part
They work beside us every step of the way
Telling us constantly just how to play
So listen to the brothers who have changed their clothes
Don’t turn away and turn up your nose
Love them as  you love yourself
For this is, in and of itself
From our eyes, always hidden
As our Egoistic impulses become overridden
The view will change and to the world, we’ll show
Unconditional Love, as from Nature it flows

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

As the world lives and breathes

 As the world lives and breathes
Man consistently seethes
Trying to separate through the greed
Never separating want for need
Only seeking all he can 
For the selfish nature of man
When he hits bottom
He asks what's not common
What is the meaning of this life
Why so damn much strife
As the question is aired 
The plan of creation fairs 
Revealing the connection we all share 
Leaving us a choice to stand up and dare 
To unite together as one 
Loving each like father to son
As we become Yisrael
Attaining Heaven as we rise out of Hell
learning how our nature we can conceal
Rising above all that we’ve known
Following what the Sage’s have shown
Revealing the EGO as the traitor
While we bring joy back to the Creator
Bringing the world back to whole
Building our one united Soul 
Only Together

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Dead in the Water Again

I’m dead in the water again
Steady drinking my vermouth and gin
Trying to dull
The senses that pull
Me back in the water within

Well we study all day
Learning how to pray
So we can truly begin
|And there ain’t no end
To the love of friends
That’s why I’m dead in the water again
I’m dead in the water again
Steady drinking my vermouth and gin
Trying to dull
The senses that pull
Me back in the water within

You see the effort in giving
Is where you start living
That’s when you heart starts to grin
But our nature is a flake
Which makes my heart break
That's why I drink what I drink, what a sin

I’m dead in the water again
Steady drinking my vermouth and gin
Trying to dull
The senses that pull
Me back in the water within
To rise above the aching
Even though the hearts breaking
It takes the love of friends
So the message to send
Stop drinking vermouth and gin
Stop and see your friends
That flaky nature
That drives our behavior
Is what we need to end
I’m dead in the water again
Steady drinking my vermouth and gin
Trying to dull
The senses that pull
Me back in the water within
Oh I'm out of the water to send
Our love to the world and then
All will be whole
As we reach our goal
Fulfilling Nature's plan to its end

Monday, August 22, 2016

Natures Plan

With all that we face 
There is no disgrace
For what we were born
As we rise above the scorn
Fighting our nature every step of the way
Trying from the heart to open up and say 
Just how important the friends truly are
The ones that are both near and far
The strength we build together as we walk this path
Is a formidable strength that will defeat all wrath
Together we are as one man with one heart and soul
Uniting together to make the world whole
Bringing joy to Nature with every step we take
Fulfilling Nature’s plan, this is our fate
so come one come all join in the fun
Loving your neighbor as if he’s your son
living and loving this life we live
Only so to the world we can give
Unconditional love

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Essence of Love

Breaking it down step by step
There is no room for sympathy or regret
Time don’t exist so every thought must count
Shake it all around till the hatred comes out
Love is what we need to extol
Love is the essence of our Soul
As to the hatred that's been concealed
Through it the love is revealed
You can’t know an up without a down
So come on people get rid of that frown
Your essence is love, not hate and despair
So stand together if you dare
Uniting your hearts with love and care
Finding your way to love of friends
Once you do, your real journey begins

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How many Hearts Must Break and Die

How many hearts must break and die
Before we learn the reasons why
Why we perceive things as we do
Why it’s not the many only the few
The world is suffering on all sides
As they blame the Jew’s for this horrific ride
Twisting and turning breaking us down
Like divinity who’s lying face in the ground
As others walk over her never missing a beat
Just angrily running through the street
But the few who know the way to reveal
That which to the many has been concealed
Until we asked what’s the meaning of life and all
That is when Nature answers the call
A call so deep and sorrow filled
The heart breaks as we wonder what’s real
Then Nature’s light fills our heart and awakens our soul
As between us the love of the creator is extolled

Thursday, May 12, 2016

As Man Looks up to the Sky's

As man looks up to the sky's
Perceiving reality though the visions in his eyes
Or through what he thinks he hears
Which adds to the vision, only from the ears
Ignoring the desires in his heart
Deprives man of the best possible start
Man has abilities untold
Waiting for mans heart to open and unfold
The loves that comes from a higher source
Which we can be one with, this loving force
A force that in truth created it all
Developed for each of us, so we learn how to call
But calling is only part of the game
It comes through our unity all the same
So be with your ten as much as you can
Uniting our hearts as detailed in nature's plan
Rise above the hate and pain
Unite our hearts  this is plain
To always go within
Discovering that there is none else but Him

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

As The World Lives and Breethes

As the world lives and breathes
Man consistently seethes
Trying to separate through the greed
Never separating want for need
Only seeking all he can 
For the selfish nature of man
When he hits bottom
He asks what's not common
What is the meaning of this life
Why so damn much strife
As the question is aired 
The plan of creation fairs 
Revealing the connection we all share 
Leaving us a choice to stand up and dare 
To unite together as one 
Loving each like father to son
As we become Yisrael
Attaining Heaven as we rise out of Hell
learning how our nature we can conceal
Rising above all that we’ve known
Following what the Sage’s have shown
Revealing the EGO as the traitor
While we bring joy back to the Creator
Bringing the world back to whole
Building our one united Soul 
Only Together

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Days that pass

The days that pass
The days that last
You know they are one in the same
The bridals shame
Never accepting the blame
It’s a cycle that will come again
So look within
Turely begin
And discover how together we can aim
To unite our hearts
It’s the only part
That in truth is not lame
As the heart and actions
Goes through their contractions
We discover we are one and the same
So let's unite our desire
Creating hearts on fire
Forever igniting that flame
Together as one
Father and son
Bestowing to the world all in HIS Name

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Nation of Love

We toil in our work every moment of the day
Seeking only to find a way
To feel just how low we truly are
Singing the blues to the tune of the guitar
Just how we have no strength
To reach that prayer in all its lengths
A prayer not for yourself alone
But for the many as the sages have shown
A prayer so complete in depth and vigor
It trips the Creator's loving trigger
Bringing all to unite as one
Extolling the our love like father to son
Bringing joy to the Creator as one man one heart
Rebuilding our soul from the start
Living and loving this plan of Creation
As we unite as one Nation
The Nation of love

Creations Glorious Plan

As the lightning flashes in the sky
There’s a sparkle in your eye
While the Earth shakes and rumbles apart
One can feel the love in your heart
And as the sky glistens in the night
Filled with beauty, void of fright
The Love we’re spreading around the world
Sparkles and glistens as the love unfurls
The time of enlightenment is in our hands
Needing only our united stand
So climb that mountain of hatred before our heart
Be blind to the lies the EGO starts
Feel your brothers love and pain
Fulfilling their desires again and again
Let go of that part of you
And let us do what we came to do
As together we unite one heart one man
Fulfilling Creations Glorious pla

What is the Egyption Within

What is the Egyption within
Where does one truly begin
To pearce inside one’s heart and know
It’s the Egyption with in running the show
Seeking desires for self pleasure
Blindly overlooking the one true treasure
Not knowing what’s real or fake, false or true
Only knowing, its within the connection with you
A connection in heart and thought that binds us together
A connection, liked or not, that lasts forever
But to most this connection is concealed
Natures plays us so we can reveal
This connection shared by one and all
As She waits to hear our call
A call, a plea an outright demand
For Her to unite us, as only She can
A prayer united from all Her parts
Opening up with joy within our hearts
It’s up to us to search within
And discover None Else But Him

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Thoughts Scattered

Thoughts scattered
Heart shattered
What is the meaning of life
Time won't wait
Filled with hate
What is all this strife
Face down on the floor
Can't find the door
That brings me to love and a wife
Lessons learned
Having concern
For love has no shelf life
Once it begins
It never ends
For within it exists in rife
So let's get down
Erase that frown
As we find love between us more beautiful then the fife

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Jews of the World Have You Got it Yet

Jews of the world have you got it yet
How to shake this relentless regret
Regret for taking money as your new G-D
Regret for treating others like a slob
Regret for forgetting why the Creator filled your plate
Because you didn’t do to others that which you hate
Or are you still hiding behind that money tree
I know in your heart you won’t agree
But the truth is the truth no matter how you bake it
So allow me to just simply shake it
We have an obligation to the world at hand
To unite together as only we can
No other peoples on this earth have the strength
Just look at all the wars and to what lengths
That the nations of the world have take to make us fall
Yet we unite under G-d and stand 20 feet tall
It’s this unity we demonstrate when we’re threatened
Not a member of our society is ever neglected
We watch out for our own
Until we start our business as we have shown
Then we don’t care what the others do
Because you’ll get all you can out of the few
The few who come to you for your goods
And what do you do but leave them, out in the woods
Our unity is what makes us not these dealings so corrupt
It’s how we treat each other it can not be so abrupt
The world wants us to show them how to unite
That’s why towards us they hold such spite
They know we have what they need
Without all the corruption and greed
To unite as one man one heart and soul
Bringing their sorrow filled life back to being whole