This is such a strange world we live in today. In the past, It was just the normal life, filled with the normal love’s, and strifes. The more one looks at the crazy things going on the more one is apt to ask what the hell is going on. We have terrorist in one part of the world degrading, disrespecting the very core of life and love, misrepresenting religious belief systems and beheading people that either do not believe or are women to do with as they believe. Raping children, teaching them to kill rather than love, using them as sex toys and much worse. Almost reminds me of the crusades.
On the other hand we have a social media system unlike anything we have dreamed of connecting people all over the world together but instead of using it to live love and learn we use it to dispel, degrade and negate the others we are in contact with.
We as a species have raped and pillaged this planet for all her resources never considering what the effect might be not only on the planet but on us as we continue to destroy ecosystems for the all mighty dollar.
Governments that like the ancient Romans stopped caring about its people and focus only on how they can get rich off of the people.
Countries now squaring off to go into isolation from each other which as we all know is what will bring on one war after another until there is no one left to fight.
We have not even talked about how the government thinks it's ok to continually steal and rob from the Native American Indians, whom we stole this land from. Now they will be the first to say they did not own it but they were and have continued to try to be the caretakers of it only to have the American government continually disrespect it in one form or another just as they have done them over and over throughout history.
Seemingly there is not much that can be done to stop it, the people do not think they have the power to stop anything and it's easier to just ride it out and hope it don't touch them or their families.
But no matter how we look at it if we step back from it and the emotions that come with it, we see that everything we have been taught throughout our life has been a lie. The American Dream was based on singularity or isolationism of sorts, “I can do this on my own” nowhere mentioning the we factor. Even though for anyone to be a success we have to surround oneself with people that want the same as you do. Ironic as it is something truly does conceal this from our conscious thought process as we look at those that were successful, kind of funny when you think about it.
We have so many things that could bring us closer together, unite us in heart and soul and yet we still continue to reach for something that does not exist. People still think they can get rich not looking at the fact that those that are rich are getting richer, and the middle class is disappearing so that all there will be is those that have and those that have not. No middle ground and no care or concern that in a global society where we throw out enough food to feed the entire world, several times over we have peoples that are starving to death, people that live in subhuman conditions no suitable drinking water and on and on, and we, if it is not in our back yard don’t seem to care.
As I step back and look at all of this, without the emotions or the pain, I see that Nature herself is urging us, pushing us to come together, you see together, without the negativity, negating, or name calling we can truly find solutions for every situation that comes at us. So much so that we would not need the government.
The shame is that we are so stubborn, and one-sided that nothing will help us see until we are forced to face it, meaning through war and oppressions, when what we take for granted every day is taken away, then people will say hey WTF is this all about, even though it has been right in front of them this whole time.
The real question to ask is what is keeping us concealed from what is going on, and if it is not concealed what is allowing it to take place, keeping people quiet and moving along as if all is ok?
It's all because of the Egoistic desire that we spend so much time chasing. They come at us like a whirlwind relentlessly attacking us demanding fulfillment and we hear and do. Never at any given point do we stop and say hey who's in control here? Fair question to be straight up about it. What is it that we love? Hell we don’t even love ourselves in some cases and in other we overly love only ourselves. It's like a wise man once told me, We love Fish. We love to eat it because it brings us joy. Ok, I get it, we only love the pleasure we receive from others, no matter what it cost the others to bring it to us. I can hear some of you saying “ oh this guy is off base”, truth is it's right on. Just take a look at your life without the emotions surrounding everything you have been through and you see just how everything, good and bad was because you were chasing one kind of pleasure or another.
We don’t do anything, and I mean nothing without some form of calculation that takes place over the pleasure we will receive from taking or making that move. Whether it is something as simple as crossing your legs or buying a car, it is all to bring you some form of pleasure. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with enjoying life, but at what cost. We don’t even look at the joy shared through connections with others. Nor do we look at the joy received from loving others. A mother knows this love, just as a father does. But not the way mothers and fathers are in today's time they are so busy working to have the good things (so they think they are) that tv and movies and video games raise their children. Then they are upset when these kids become disrespectful and hateful towards others.
The bottom line is that if we connect together, at first in a light manner following the three rules on connection. 1) annulment, meaning to listen to the person speaking without interruption and looking for your answer before they have finished speaking. 2) Inclusion, meaning when I hear them speak I hear it as if it was me speaking so when it's my turn to speak I carry on their point, and 3) Enlivenment, meaning I also try in every way to Enliven the other's hearts by speaking straight from mine every time I speak.
Once a group of people become use to operating this way from then on they can find positive solutions for every problem they face.
Those that say no it can not happen are answering straight up from their ego that does not want them to be this way. And the true irony about this is that the ego will receive a new different kind of pleasure from engaging in this that once done it will want more. And more.
So next time you are on social media and answering whatever post struck your cords, ask yourself, What If? What if we did as I Prescribed here, how would my experience be different? How would my relationships with these others be different? They are interesting questions that merely need someone with patience and thick skin to partake in but once they do they will always want to do it that way it will spread like a virus that instead of killing things off it helps the positive grow.
And what if others followed the example we set then what kind of experience would we have on social media?
Just Sayin