Thursday, December 31, 2020

Feeling Trapped

Trapped by walls we don't see

Isolated from others, can this be

Making us see only what is desired

This is just how we are wired

Using others to gain our goals

Instead of giving to others from heart and soul

What does it take for us to succeed 

How much sorrow must we bleed?

As we open our veins of love

For the joy, we bring above

Filling our neighbors with unconditional love

What better life could we ask for

As we open that spiritual door

No longer seeing things askew

As we bravely step-through

Revealing this system for which we are born

As we commit to the friends as we have sworn

Our connection between us is the crown we wear

Making the rough times easy to bare

As we extol our love to you bringing you joy

Raising others hearts, every man, woman, girl, and boy


 We don’t learn from our history

Instead, we engage in sophistry 

We believe what we see

Even if it could never be

Our ears lie to us each day

But the others show us the way

We think we are alone

But we're not, as history has shown

We think our needs should come at others expense

Never seeing the selfish pretense

We think we are free

So why do we continue to flee

The dollar is the new Pharoah

And our life is filled with even more sorrow

We don’t learn from our history

Which leaves our heart cold and blistery 

Our unity will give us a new reason fly

Like an eagle flying high in the spiritual sky

Loving all that nature created for us to join

As we all come from Natures loins

Bless you all 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

What coronavirus brings Humanity

 Introduction to articles by Dr Laitman 

1. The Arvut article is the most important article I would say for explaining the role of the people of Israel, of everyone, of humanity, because after the giving of the Torah, the Matan Torah, the first article that Baal HaSulam wrote for the people at that time, the second article is the Arvut, mutual guarantee. Mutual guarantee comes from above but why do we receive it and how do we implement the lights in the Arvut between us and that was the reason the shattering happened in the Kli of Adam HaRishon. In the unification of that Kli, all those fragments of that Kli altogether, each and every one of us we come to a state we're together, we reveal the Creator and all of creation and the entire process and the thought of creation and the purpose from beginning to end, all through the connection between us and inside the connection between us. What we attain in the power of mutual guarantee, we attain the upper force, the Creator. And accordingly, we come to the final state called adhesion, our adhesion with the Creator. So, there isn't any more important action than the Arvut in practice and this is how we have to see in our situation, the process that we have to go through and our purpose. Around that we have a lot of material and articles but whatever we read, it's all aimed at the keeping of the Arvut also in our life each and every moment we have to be aimed at that, am I coming closer to the concept of Arvut more and more? And I don't need to have some other goal before me. Only that one. And if we establish it, arrange it correctly we will immediately see how our entire life acquires different colours. How all the problems including the current crisis with the coronavirus and others that are waiting along the way, all of that falls on us because it's trying to awaken us to Arvut. Hence, if we see even a small malfunction or a great one, it's correction is only in increasing the Arvut between us. So let's try to think only of that all of the time especially after yesterday when we started to arrange it and establish it between us and between all the people in the world and will continue on our path. Good luck to us

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Everyone is waiting for the coronavirus pandemic to finally end. But COVID isn’t going anywhere. It has come to change our thinking and will not leave before it’s done.

And it will take some time. Humanity is a huge mass of very different people. We need time to adjust, to feel the new reality, understand where it comes from, and why.
We will get used to COVID. By autumn, we should already feel more familiar with it. After all, people can get used to anything; they even get used to chronic diseases and learn to live with them, so the same will happen here.
At the moment, the system is still unstable; it is still jerking and jolting from the impact of the virus. But the transition phase will subside and the system will take on a new appearance: a perception of humanity as one whole. Humanity is suffering from all sorts of problems: hunger, fires, droughts, hurricanes, the list is endless. But even now we are beginning to perceive these problems integrally, together, as one whole.
“We were given COVID-19 to cure us. At the end of it, we will be much healthier and our relationships will be much kinder—both between people and between countries.”
The next blow after the coronavirus is going to be a shortage of the most basic necessities: food, water, medicines, and electricity. This will lower people’s demands and will force them to become more modest. People will have no drive to travel around the world.
As it continues, the coronavirus will teach us the wisdom of life. We only need to know that we are in an integral system that is moving toward a new state of balance, preordained in nature. As this process unfolds, it takes us through different states. If we support the process, we will experience the states as good. If we resist it, we will feel it as painful and oppressive. But it’s all in order to lead us toward complete recovery from egoism.
Nothing happens by accident, but only for the purpose of correction. If we examine what is happening today with the final goal of unity in mind, we will find that there is a clear line leading from the current position to the endpoint. If we can see that, we will see that everything is done with purpose.
The essence of the process is an ever-increasing connection. Currently, we feel divided, strangers. We suffer because of our oppositeness from the rest of nature, but that suffering will impel us to connect. As we connect, we will become increasingly similar to the rest of nature and as a result, the pain will invert to pleasure. The sooner we transition to the state of connection, the sooner we will invert any suffering to pleasure.
Although we naturally oppose connection, since our nature is inherently individualistic, nature guides one state at a time until we agree to connect. When we agree, we will discover its myriad benefits. Just as brothers quarrel and fight when they are young but become close when they grow up and grow wiser, so we will come to see the benefits of connection after we grow out of our sense of entitlement.
We were given COVID-19 to cure us. At the end of it, we will be much healthier and our relationships will be much kinder—both between people and between countries. Now the borders are closed due to the pandemic. But in time we will realize their futility because the connection is the only solution that allows us to overcome the problems that the virus has imposed on us.
It turns out that COVID is not a disease; it is a symptom of recovery. This is what happens with every disease: We do not feel the disease itself, but the body’s reaction to it as it tries to recover. Painful symptoms are signs of recovery. The coronavirus pandemic is showing us the way to recovery from self-centeredness. It is propelling us forward and we should respond accordingly.
We shouldn’t simply hide from it. Although at first, we must distance ourselves from each other, subsequently, we should examine how we can grow closer. If we could think about others rather than ourselves, the virus would not pose any danger. We would be able to go anywhere because if we care about others, we will not harm them.
I know that most people still do not see it this way, but in a few months, it will be clear that the coronavirus is building the correct connections between us so that everyone thinks about others rather than about oneself. When we achieve this, we will all be healthy.

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Evolution of our Perception

Evilution, this is where we are as a society and as a species, we stand before the beginnings of evolution of our perception of reality.
As a society we grew further apart, separated more and more as if this was what we are heading towards careless thoughtless beings just trying to get our feel-good fix.  No one cares about the others around them or those that sacrifice their life for our freedoms and safety. It is as if we just take it all for granted or something like that.  We have become lazy in oh so many areas taking only the short road to riches and success.  
But then is it really successful?
The one thing we forgot, that we are built to be like nature, but we have to want to be like nature.  Each of the native tribes of each of the landmasses around the world all were one with nature as were our forefathers. 
Now here we come along with all our philosophy and science and we forget the very mother of all inventions, mother nature herself.
We try to control her and use her which throws her off as well.   This ecosystem is sensitive to a lot of things and the energy behind the social consciousness also has an effect on Nature and on the planet. 
As we go through our way in life experiencing things according to our unique perspective of things, as we do the only real thing we are chasing, is pleasure in one form or another.
Pleasure when we're out with friends drinking and watching a game or pleasure when the children do something really cool, or you name it if it brings us pleasure we dig it. 
So Natures system brought us this Virus, that does not kill as many of the other viruses Nature has brought us.  But this one is forcing us to connect to each other through the internet as we are asked to stay home until the danger has passed.   Businesses are paying employees to stay at home and work from home. Some are laying off employees due to the lack of customers. Businesses are closing down, things are tight and no one knows what exactly to do only that we all know we can not continue in the same format as all things have been up to this point. 
Now we have an opportunity to teach human society through the social media communities that are open to us, How through our connections, heart to heart connections we can find answers to everything troubling us about life today.
Now we have an opportunity to change our education system from one based on competition to one based on connections to others. 
Our Medical and pharmaceutical will change to heal instead of making the all mighty dollar.  
Our Judicial will change to be not about perverting the law but upholding it based on laws handed down through nature to us showing us how to be in the new world a world of love and inspiration based on everyone truly watching out for each other as in loving your neighbor as yourself. 

This is the ultimate state that all of the human species must attain. And if we work together we can attain it for everyone.  It takes desire, will and passion on a level because its for others and not for yourself it carries the highest energy with it transforming things before our very eyes.  
It is beautiful to witness and be a part of.

 I pray you too will join in the fun.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Two to the Eighth

Civilization has been here for millions of years
They plowed and seeded and shed many a tear’s
The work grew harder with every new season
Leaving one empty with no real reason 
As the ego grew to new abominable heights
Robbing them of unbelievable delights
Adam was one of civilizations men
Who discovered a way based on ten
Seeing the truth lies within our faith
As his heart was beating 2 to the eighth 
As he discovered deep with in
That there is none else besides Him

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Congress Tine once again

Everything starts from a thought
Where it came from we know not
But when it begins to show
That in truth we don’t know
We begin to see
Just how important friends are to me
In order to rebuild our soul
Bringing the world to become whole
To repair all we destroyed 
And with the Will To Recieve we become annoyed
Until we truly feel the hate for it being
Because it stops us from truly seeing
That we are all one
Fueling the world to health like the sun
Worried about all the world 
Speaking words like beautiful pearls
To help them all to unite
As they draw into the light
The light will heal 
That with you that is ill
All to change our perception
Bringing us to this one connection
Our connection together and to nature
Is all that is missing despite our portraiture
So come to the congress in the mother land
Together to the Creator we must stand
And at the congress can this be done
Feeling the joy and having fun
Feeling nature at every turn
Building within us a powerful yearn
So congress is here and awaiting your choice
All to hear the Creators voice
He speaks to us loud and clear 
But the Will To Receive has filled us with fear
And this we need so bestowal will appear
Come one and all
Don’t let your heart fall
Bring it opened wide
As together we unite side by side
With love to you all i do declare
Together our hearts can share
The love it hold as we dare 
To to unite as one man with One heart and Soul
This is what it takes to make the world whole

our work

How do i know my request will reach the center of the ten
How to prepare amongst such great and strong men
As the hate is revealed
Love no longer is concealed
We try to calculate what we have
The preparation to the lessons will bring both halves
The will to receive and the will to bestow
From what the sages describe and show
But how much you can open your heart
Enlivening the friends for the best possible start
To bring in the light and be as a funnel
Passing the light through without a muzzle
Except for the Will to receive
I know it is all hard to conceive
But when push comes to shove
It is all from above
Showing us through the will to bestow
Once again all to show
The masses what we need to do
All designed especially for you
And when we get to this place we can begin
To discover that there is none else but Him

Friday, January 10, 2020

Day to Day Life What Do We See

In our day to day life we only see what our unquestioned perception of reality will allow you to see.  Inside of us we have two sides to the heart that operate within us, guiding us, one way or another. 
 One of those sides aiding in the day to day operation is called self love, and the other side is Love of Others.  Now they are as opposite as it gets. Our daily routine is operated from self love and our inspiration and love comes from the other side, the side that is Love of Others.

As we feel different desires for self pleasure this puts the conscious thought process to direct us in how to attain that pleasure.  In Other words, it directs you in how it calculates and puts into motion actions for getting that desire fulfilled. 

What differentiates us from the animals is the ability to reason, question, and seemingly choose what we want and for whatever reason we want it whether it be for self love or for love of others.
The moment one truly wants to love others, something amazing happens, and all of a sudden all these calculations come in to you showing you why you do not want to love others, this is called The Will To Receive, or EGO.  either way you call it what you find or reveal is that the EG0 has been hiding things from you, from right in front of your eyes only for some reason your attention was always averted away, to other things, you know like a squirrel always going towards that shiny object, oh something new quick go see.  

The more one reveals this kind of happening from within himself the more one reveals the force that is running the show so to say.  
This reminds me of the parable of within every person are two wolves waiting to devour you, one filled with love and one filled with hate, which one do you want to feed?

Now the more we feed the Love of Others, the bigger the love of self becomes, all so we can just reveal this with in us, because when we can see it, we can ask Nature to correct it which it will do though you, and  that these two properties do exist within us and that we can choose which one to feed.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

To the Jews of the World

The state of affairs around the world are tense to say the least. Between the ever increasing antisemitism and the fact that people just don’t trust each other for anything any more, we are heading down a road we truly don’t want to be on.

A road of separation and eventually hatred.
We also have a pole shift coming at us as well as increased volcanic and earthquake activity. Weather cycles growing more intense, ocean levels rising, the plastic islands that are killing off the oceans wild life as we speak, coral reefs dying slowly as temperatures continue to rise, oh and the asteroid heading towards us as well.  

I am sure most of us don’t think about this until it hits the back door or comes into our backyard, then we become concerned.

At one point in history there was a group of people that truly wanted nothing more to do with the hatred and ever growing ego that was pushing everyone into more and more hatred and separation.

From the time this group came together in disgust and fear for what their neighbors were doing to themselves and each other.
as they were rejected from where they were from and started a journey to Cannon where they learned what nature wanted from them and the world and it is where they learned what “don’t do to others that which you yourself hate” means and this lead them to love your neighbor as yourself.  

And it worked beautifully until the Ego once again started to rise and evolve before them.
When this happened they found it increasingly difficult to maintain this love of friends on any level at all and that is when the temple was destroyed and the ones that built it (The Hebrews as they were called) were killed, or kicked out or both.  

Fast forward to the second temple and once again the Hebrews discovered again Love of friends and with all their might managed to rebuild the temple and truly love your neighbor as yourself only to once again fall out of love of others into love of self only.

During the travel to Cannon those that came along with Abraham learned about Nature.  What Nature is, what human nature is, [which is opposite to Nature] what our role is, in this system called Nature that we live in. 
In Nature there is balance, peace and harmony.  
Within our nature there is turmoil and suffering, with a dash of love on the corporal level, meaning only if it brings you some kind of joy[self serving].  

Mostly however it is about how I can in one way or another take advantage of those around me and those acquaintances that I have along the way in this journey called life, so we can make a living. 

As it turns out it was because, the Jew’s would go into that country and do what they are good at making all phases of living better and more comfortable and improve life all the way around, but also they would try to assimilate [separation from connection] into these different cultures and countries which meant they would forget about the one thing they were alive for, connection, and each time they did this assimilation [separation from connection] then the countries would rebel against them and kick them out or convert them or kill them.  

This happened so many times, different cultures and societies have tried to kill the Jews off only to be stopped each and every time.  
Each one of them that tried as we see has died off or perished. 
Now today in modern times what do we see?  The same blaming and name calling and lies being spread around trying to damage or destroy Israel, 

Or is it?

The odd part about this, is the Jews seemingly ignoring what and why we are born and exist in this reality, which is to be a light unto the nations, teaching them what it means to connect and how to do this, how to be one with Nature. 
I mean look at america, the Jews are in all areas of american life, and have assimilated [separation from connection] to some degree into the american ways and religions, and now Antisemitism is on an all time high, because of the lack of connection between the american Jews.  So when the anti-Semite states that the Jews are to blame, they are not far off. Because the Jews are not fulfilling their role in Natures plan for the world, and for not remembering and working towards this connection that they lost, and are not teaching to the world. 

You know it was like this in Germany right before WWII, the Jews were in all areas in the German society, politics, music, science, health, and were wealthy. They refused to leave Germany, and in some cases helped the Germans against the Jews at least some did, and when the Holocaust began those Jews were among the first to go to the gas chambers.  Again this is happening in America, and in America just like before Hitler took over, the antisemitism is on a steady rise. If war breaks out anywhere in the world it will be the Jews that are blamed. And they would be correct, because if the Jews around the world were to unite along with Israel, the other nations would be knocking on our doors demanding we teach them this truth called connection. 

It does not matter what part of history you look at you see that the Jews have paid a heavy toll for the separation they have caused among themselves.  From the religious leaders in Israel to every facet of life here. And as they did so many times in history, Spanish inquisition to Masada, to the persecution in Russia, Turkey, and the list goes on.  The Jews have tried to fit in to just about every country on this planet only to be loved at first then hated vehemently. All because through their desires to run from what they know they have to do at some point and because of their stony heart and stiff neck, they are unable to do this. They are afraid they will lose money or that they think they have to give up something in life they have built up, nothing could be further from the truth.  

But to everyone that reads this, if it touches your heart then please pray for peace, connection and the light of Nature to come and influence the world to want this connection then we stand a chance.