Woke this morning, got out of bed
Opened the arvut channel instead
Of getting my coffee, or having a smoke
As one starts to remember why he awoke
Still hiding from the friends
Struggling with egoistic pretends
Remembering only to unite
Not be contrite
Slowly remembrances start coming in
With annulment before the ten
Both in heart and mind
As we begin to feel and find
That gap between the egos impressions
As we teach it concessions
Ones that only the light can bring
When we all believe then we all will swing
Preparing the one intention
To work towards abstention
Towards reacting
As the light on the ten is contracting
Bringing us closer to being one
Making our unity brighter than the sun
Fulfilling our purpose and goal
Bringing the world to being whole
With One Unified Unique Desire to rebuild our soul
For this brings joy to something much greater
That something we know as the Creator