Saturday, June 5, 2021


Man has entered a delicate state

Requiring us to come together and relate

To stop the fighting against each other 

And start living like true brothers

It is time for Israel to once again become devoted

To the path the forefathers promoted 

Not thinking about their needs or desires

Only thinking about the Friends

This is our path, our Fate that never ends

To unite together as one man with one heart

The only hope Humanity has, is to start

Depending completely on our devotion to Nature’s plan

Brought to us to raise Mann

Devotion is the key

To uniting the Creator between you and me


A Beautiful Sight

We come to unite our hearts 

Only to find obstructions from the start

Never giving up on the search 

We find our way to a new birth

Starting a new life in this way 

Where the focus of our day is to pray

Pray for the others needs

Doing all we can see 

For the others unique blend

This is what its about, the friends

For love of friends is such a powerful force

Given by the Creator of course 

Bringing great joy back to the Giver

Is liken to climbing out of the Ego’s river

Filling our hearts with love and light 

What a beautiful sight