Thursday, November 12, 2009

Poem By Jessie Workman

 This poem is from a very well loved Friend Jessie Workman my blind poet brother 

And, it came to pass in the time of the hour of our advancement;
our advancementa step in a season, in an hour, in an instant;
I longed to see the hidden;
hidden even so no one can see;
and it was then I imagined by the light;
of the idea of light,    a metaphor only;
light that shone through the sphere of crystalline words.

His works on high, on high above, but not outside.
he carved the pathways of the stars;
hued the arterial paths of the stars in their spherical circuit of symmetry.
in symmetry he made them, and I saw the sapphire sphere;
the sphere of sapphire closed in symmetry for the chariot of the sun;
even the sun's path carved in the symmetrical sphere of sapphire, so he carved it.
its circuit carries it evenly around a symmetrical horizon;
even symmetrical as the sphere of the skull of the sky.
even so it travels still, and the light warms the lower spheres;
even to the depths of the darkness, that darkness with is not light's absence;
darker even than its absence, since absence suggest forgetting, or departing, for it has never shone here.
even lost, even here, where the neural networks flicker blackly;
even blackly in their arterial channels, even those he shaped from the darkness;
even now, at this time, and in this hour;
the hour where the circuits of spheres seemed to tremble out of orbit;

yet, in this cosmos, he created this cosmos reversed;
reversed on spheres of crystal, so it was that this frozen spherical sapphire shatters;
but light there was, light there is, even yesterday when all was made;
even today when we awoke in the hour of advancement;
even there, impossibly there, the surrounding lights;
lights like pinpoint stars, earth-bound constellations, by the light of the constellations;
the background light, that we are, that the points of light, that the friends are,
And by our light;
By our shared airglow horizon gave us strength for a prayer;
when as one we demanded: "Let us have Light."
And behold, the opening of the horizon;
the opening of the heart's sapphire frozen sphere.

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