Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life is an odd sort of existence

Life is an odd sort of existence
Filled with all kinds of pretense and remittance
No one is earnest with their thoughts or desires
Only wanting to fan the fires
Never thinking about what their thoughts and actions create
Only desire is to fulfill their state
And never a thought as to what that state is
Only desiring to gain what he claims as his
What is the purpose of a life so empty and void?
Running around like some kind of droid
Being pulled and pushed from pillar to post
With pain and suffering that would cause an end to most
Why does the human race not wake up from this dream?
And openly take part in what would seem
To be the only salvation at hand
Why can the humans not take a stand?
Maybe because the work to do
You know that work that is for a chosen few
Is not completed to the needed height
For this everyone must hold that intention with all of his might
And apply the effort of the hero’s will
Never forgetting what is not real
And then the whole of the human race
Will start to rise up unto HIS grace
And all can be as it was when it began
One heart one soul all to be one man
With great love for you all

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