Saturday, August 10, 2024

In the pursuit of Torah for its own sake,

We seek the truth, no room for mistake.

To understand, to know, with pure clarity,

Without doubts clouding our reality.

"Yesh din, yesh dayan," we must see,

The world as it is, as it truly be.

With faith and influence, we rise each day,

Growing, evolving in every way.

But in acceptance and knowledge's embrace,

We may find ourselves falling from grace.

Seeing a decline, a downward trend,

In our perception, our understanding's end.

When we observe these two states of being,

We see "yesh din, yesh dayan" agreeing.

For when we stray from the Torah's true path,

We face consequences, the aftermath.

"Yesh din tzedek," we must understand,

The righteous path is the one in demand.

To reach the ultimate perfection we seek,

We must grasp the truth, no room for critique.

This is the essence of "Torah lishma,"

Learning for the sake of the divine law.

As our sages have said, "Great is the Talmud,"

For it leads us to action, to do what is good.

So let us learn with the goal in mind,

To understand "yesh din, yesh dayan" aligned.

For faith is the key, the single command,

That guides us to righteousness, to take a stand.

In the realm beyond reason, where actions reside,

We must act without thought, with nothing to hide.

For in these moments of pure, unadulterated deed,

We find true fulfillment, the ultimate creed.

So let us strive for Torah lishma,

To seek the truth with unwavering charisma.

For in the pursuit of knowledge and faith,

We find our purpose, our ultimate fate.

Your guidance is always true,

In every task that we pursue.

Through habit, we form our nature,

And shape our reality, for sure.

In the year of ש"ג, it is said,

Through habit, we make our bed.

For what we feel and what we see,

Is shaped by our own reality.

A difference exists, it's clear to see,

Between Creator and you and me.

For us, our feelings shape our view,

While for the Creator, it's nothing new.

What we feel, that is our truth,

No matter our age or our youth.

If we taste bitterness in our life,

We may be called evil in this strife.

But if we feel goodness all around,

Then we are righteous, we are sound.

So remember, it's all in how we feel,

Our reality is what's truly real.

In the end, it's all about perception,

And shaping our own conception.

So let your feelings guide your way,

And shape your reality every day.

In a world where darkness may reign,

Where doubts and fears may cause us pain,

There is a truth that we must know,

That there is none but Him, who makes us grow.

In every trial, in every test,

In every moment we feel distressed,

There is a lesson we must learn,

That only He can help us turn.

No matter how far we may stray,

No matter how lost we may feel each day,

There is a path back to His light,

If only we seek with all our might.

For in our struggles, in our strife,

In every challenge of this life,

We must remember, we must believe,

That only He can truly relieve.

So let us strive to walk His way,

To keep His light in our hearts each day,

For in His love, in His grace,

We find our strength, we find our place.

And in the end, when all is said and done,

We'll see that He was the only one,

The one who guided us, who showed the way,

The one who never led us astray.

So let us hold on to His hand,

And trust that He will help us stand,

For in His love, in His embrace,

We find our peace, we find our grace.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Trembling Strings of Faith

In the maze of life's despair, letters dry as bones,
A soul yearns for a spark, a voice to call its own.
Amidst the cloak of faith, seeking a divine door,
To transcend the tangible, to connect and explore.

Golden bells and pomegranates, a rhythm so profound,
The tremble of a violin, where joy and fear are bound.
In the search for holiness, a dance of light and shade,
The sound of silence echoes, where sacred truths are made.

With every note of longing, in a world of unseen strings,
The heart beats for the whisper of the One who sings.
For in the trembling moments, joy finds its place,
In the sacred symphony of love and grace.

The robe of understanding, beyond mere human sight,
In the trembling of creation, the word of God takes flight.
Oh, to see the door, in faith, and not through eyes alone,
To hear the silent song, and feel the sacred tone.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

our Journey

This journey we’re on takes us down many roads

Always carrying an unbearable load

So many emotions that we feel

When we unite together during a meal

Speaking about the greatness of the creator and  friends

This love that is shapeless and has no end

Surrounds our hearts, what a message to send

The Revelation of None ELse Besides HIM