Saturday, August 10, 2024

Your guidance is always true,

In every task that we pursue.

Through habit, we form our nature,

And shape our reality, for sure.

In the year of ש"ג, it is said,

Through habit, we make our bed.

For what we feel and what we see,

Is shaped by our own reality.

A difference exists, it's clear to see,

Between Creator and you and me.

For us, our feelings shape our view,

While for the Creator, it's nothing new.

What we feel, that is our truth,

No matter our age or our youth.

If we taste bitterness in our life,

We may be called evil in this strife.

But if we feel goodness all around,

Then we are righteous, we are sound.

So remember, it's all in how we feel,

Our reality is what's truly real.

In the end, it's all about perception,

And shaping our own conception.

So let your feelings guide your way,

And shape your reality every day.

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