Saturday, August 10, 2024

In the pursuit of Torah for its own sake,

We seek the truth, no room for mistake.

To understand, to know, with pure clarity,

Without doubts clouding our reality.

"Yesh din, yesh dayan," we must see,

The world as it is, as it truly be.

With faith and influence, we rise each day,

Growing, evolving in every way.

But in acceptance and knowledge's embrace,

We may find ourselves falling from grace.

Seeing a decline, a downward trend,

In our perception, our understanding's end.

When we observe these two states of being,

We see "yesh din, yesh dayan" agreeing.

For when we stray from the Torah's true path,

We face consequences, the aftermath.

"Yesh din tzedek," we must understand,

The righteous path is the one in demand.

To reach the ultimate perfection we seek,

We must grasp the truth, no room for critique.

This is the essence of "Torah lishma,"

Learning for the sake of the divine law.

As our sages have said, "Great is the Talmud,"

For it leads us to action, to do what is good.

So let us learn with the goal in mind,

To understand "yesh din, yesh dayan" aligned.

For faith is the key, the single command,

That guides us to righteousness, to take a stand.

In the realm beyond reason, where actions reside,

We must act without thought, with nothing to hide.

For in these moments of pure, unadulterated deed,

We find true fulfillment, the ultimate creed.

So let us strive for Torah lishma,

To seek the truth with unwavering charisma.

For in the pursuit of knowledge and faith,

We find our purpose, our ultimate fate.

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