Wednesday, November 18, 2009

As we sit and hear the words

As we sit and hear the words
Inside us all these sensations are stirred
Sensations of what and how the light
Keep us on track, both day and night
Knowing there is only the creator and me
Truly helps me to see
That these forces inside me grow
Leaving me to truly know
That together connected is where we all truly are
Shining bright like the brightest of stars
Truly lighting the way
For each other every day
Together in love we will win
Correcting all of our sins
I love you all

What does it Mean

What does it mean
What does it mean to bestow?
Does anyone really know?
How do you give with no thought of yourself?
Is it possible in and of itself?
As we learn on a daily basis
Our search for the bestowal oasis
Is only found with the connection of each other
You know brother to brother
As we keep this goal in our thoughts with intention
It’s not about what you know or your retention
It’s about the intention you keep in your heart
This is the only kind of start
It is the intention and goal that must never part
So make a Rav and buy a friend
And for this there will be no end
As we come together with our reflection
Our points in the heart and there connection
One man, one heart, one soul
That truly is the goal
I love you all