Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mordecai and Haman

Mordecai and Haman had a difference of view
Even though all of Israel inside knew
That Mordecai had it right from the start
And to follow Haman would cause Israel to part
See Haman believed it was alright to bestow in order to receive
While Mordecai knew faith above reason is were all should be
The king made Haman the ruler of the land
Even though Mordecai would stand
Resolved with the direction that followed the plan
So Haman rode Mordecai like a harmattan
Covering man like a shell
Helping man to compel
To find the true path that man must take
This path must be for nature’s sake
Then one sees how Haman must go
As Mordecai was truly in the know
This inner struggle reins day and night with contravention
As the only help is to hold on to Mordecai’s intention
Hanging Haman to clear the way
As Mordecai brings light into the day