Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Egos Games

The sky used to be full of these beautiful clouds
The EGO covers you with hate filled shrouds
Love use to be a many spended thing
The EGO only loves what to it you can bring
Why, when we walk, things are hidden before our eyes
The EGO when rilled releases its spies
Where will we find our way back to love
The EGO knows it can only come from above
So when we face our EGO face to face
Let the love above the EGO fill our hearts with grace
Let the the joy from doing our work ring through
As we discover, unconditional love, between me and you

The Value of a Broken World

What is the value of a world that is broken
Or the meaning of a word not spoken
Where is the courage to override the fear
Why are my cheeks always filled with tears
What is the meaning of this life
Surrounded in such turmoil and strife
When no answers can be given to heal the pain
As survival mode kicks in and we try to regain
Whatever foothold we thought we had
And life without connection, is very sad
But when we open our hearts and eyes to see
That this creator is inside of me
Guiding me through every step to take
Correcting our hearts, so again they won’t break
Building this vessel, so to receive his love
Can only be completed by, Him from above