Friday, January 10, 2020

Day to Day Life What Do We See

In our day to day life we only see what our unquestioned perception of reality will allow you to see.  Inside of us we have two sides to the heart that operate within us, guiding us, one way or another. 
 One of those sides aiding in the day to day operation is called self love, and the other side is Love of Others.  Now they are as opposite as it gets. Our daily routine is operated from self love and our inspiration and love comes from the other side, the side that is Love of Others.

As we feel different desires for self pleasure this puts the conscious thought process to direct us in how to attain that pleasure.  In Other words, it directs you in how it calculates and puts into motion actions for getting that desire fulfilled. 

What differentiates us from the animals is the ability to reason, question, and seemingly choose what we want and for whatever reason we want it whether it be for self love or for love of others.
The moment one truly wants to love others, something amazing happens, and all of a sudden all these calculations come in to you showing you why you do not want to love others, this is called The Will To Receive, or EGO.  either way you call it what you find or reveal is that the EG0 has been hiding things from you, from right in front of your eyes only for some reason your attention was always averted away, to other things, you know like a squirrel always going towards that shiny object, oh something new quick go see.  

The more one reveals this kind of happening from within himself the more one reveals the force that is running the show so to say.  
This reminds me of the parable of within every person are two wolves waiting to devour you, one filled with love and one filled with hate, which one do you want to feed?

Now the more we feed the Love of Others, the bigger the love of self becomes, all so we can just reveal this with in us, because when we can see it, we can ask Nature to correct it which it will do though you, and  that these two properties do exist within us and that we can choose which one to feed.