Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mystery of life

Life is full of mystery by design
Without a true form, reason or rhyme
Breathing upon you like a beautiful tide
Bringing one an unpredictable ride
Surrounding everyone with love of man
Calling to all, or those that can
To seek out Natures forces and begin
Whatever it takes to truly bring in
A unified world where all belong
A unified heart singing a beautiful song
The song of unity

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Task Is Clear For What We Must Do

The task is clear for what we must do

The time is near for me and you

To educate the world with Natures plan

With wisdom filled pearls waiting for man

To make available for the world to see

Just what it means to unite you and me

To rise above the ego and all its lies

As we unite and feel what it means to  rise

To be one with nature like it use to be

To end this thing we created called poverty

To stop the wars and depressions in the land

To open our hearts towards our fellow man

This we can do if we only seek

To be one with nature so to speak

Only together can this plan be reached

As Nature to us has bequeathed

Unconditional Love

Thursday, May 26, 2011

We Wake up Before the Break of Dawn

We wake up before the break of dawn

With sleep filled eyes, and a continuous yawn

We make our way to the lesson hall

Where the chance to unite stands before all

As we open our hearts to feel the words

That brings us together and allows us to gird

As the internal forces are revealed

Showing us just what till now has been concealed

Breaking the barriers that hold us apart

Showing us how to open our heart

Living, loving and connecting with the friends

Striving that this way will never end

Not worrying about being in control

Bringing the world to becoming whole

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Man exist in a world built by forces

Man exist in a world built by forces
Totally oblivious to their existence or sources
Knowing but ignoring that they are around
And learning about them is rarely found
Instead man seeks knowledge of things that do not matter
Which are derived to imprison and shatter
Each other in a way that they gain what the others had
This brings separation and makes Nature so sad
Sad because her parts are scattered all about
Bringing war and pestilence until all scream and shout
But when man reveals the true source of his pain
And follows the path so he can attain
The corrections needed so he can start
To blend with nature and with all of his heart
Then man will see wonders with no end
As man unites with the friends
One man with one heart and soul
Retuning all of Humanity to becoming whole

The congresses upon us bring great amounts of light

The congresses upon us bring great amounts of light
Giving the world kli a chance to unite
But only if participation by all that is given
By each and every one who is driven
To open their hearts and feel the others
 Warm loving embrace like from a loving mother
The embrace is given deep with in
As each discovers there’s none else besides him

Friday, May 13, 2011

Caught in a Maze

We are caught in this maze we call reality
With no understanding about spirituality
Wondering through life’s actions to only receive
Giving unconditionally is not perceived
Being guided through actions all throughout life
Some bringing pleasures others bring strife
Continually going through this or that concession
Bringing all to the point of asking a question
About the meaning of life and what it means
Only knowing life is not what it seems
Looking for answers with every means at ones disposal
Finding only one plausible proposal
To be at one with natures plan
To reunite the connection in between man
To bring all of humanity back to being whole
As One Man, With One Heart & Soul

When You Wake in the Morning

When you wake in the morning and wipe the sleep from your eyes
As you open the curtains to feel the sun rise
As you state your intention from the heart
For the unity of man to return and never part
But actions must be taken throughout the night and day
Each to bring excitement to the friends so in the system they will stay
Uniting the desires and sensing them with in
Which brings everyone back to There’s None Else Besides Him!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Struggles of Man

The struggles of man stretch far and wide
Leaving man wanting to run and hide
As man digs in to find the reason for this misery and pain
Searching from the outside drives him insane
Never finding just what is the cause
Struggling through all his own faux pas
Like a pup chasing his tail for all his has tried
He fails to simply look inside
For inside man
Ly’s all of Natures plan
Just waiting for man to reveal
What for all his life has been concealed
Just waiting for man to ask through all his strife
What is the purpose of my life

A man is born

A man is born with a certain perception
While his EGO performs interceptions
Blocking man from any advancements
As the EGO seeks more enhancements
Leaving man with discernments to perform
On his own not knowing how to reform
He seeks others that feel his lack
Hoping together they can get back
To that place where all are one and whole
One man, with one heart and soul

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Journey Began Long Before Birth

The journey began long before birth
Put in this land to unearth
All the like hearted souls
Who only desire to be whole
Concealed from the source
That continually guides every ones course
Walking blindly in a land of night
Seeking how to reveal the light
A light that is constant but concealed
Within our unity it will be revealed
So all the actions that you make
Make them for your friend’s sake
In love your neighbor as you love your self
This is all that’s needed in and of itself

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Man’s heart determines his attitude towards his reality

Man’s heart determines his attitude towards his reality
Some never have a thought of entering spirituality
Mostly because they don’t feel the call
Or maybe it’s because the ego stands too tall
Either way man is caught in a trap
Leaving man to feel like a big ole sap
Not ever knowing why man is so low
Maybe it’s because man just doesn’t know
No matter how one looks at life man is not in control
There is no deity that man needs to extol
In fact all that exist in this thing we call life
Is the force of nature and the ego that causes strife
They are opposite attributes of the same force
Guiding man every step of the way through life’s course
Hiding within man totally concealed
All to help man to in time reveal
                                     Just what and who man truly is
Cause man doesn’t have a clue what it means to give
It just is what it is and only one thing can bring man to correction
And that is revealing man’s true inner connection 

The Mayan Calendar Shows Time that Ends

The Mayan calendar shows time that ends
The Hopis fore told of a new world that begins
The Back foot and Crow say that the veils will raise
The Kabbalist teach man the connection to praise
Like donkeys man just stands in the fields to graze
Leaving the world to the perils and plights
That comes to help man while in the night
Not knowing what kind of help has come
Man’s nature is to turn and run
Because man wants just to have fun
But what is the cost of this fun to be had
When the truth is revealed it makes man sad
This brings man to this intersection
Where man must do introspection
To bring man to the real connection

Monday, May 2, 2011

The World We Live In Is Nothing But A Lie

This world we live in is nothing but a lie
Were born, we grow we live we die
What is revealed as life goes on
Is that a question is born like a sad ole song
You see what our sensors perceive does not exist
As life goes on general troubles persist
Bringing man to ask what is the meaning of this strife
Continuing to bring him to what is the purpose of life
When the question is presented from the depth of the heart
That is when nature shows man where to start
Bringing man to a group of likeminded souls
All seeking to once again become whole
And through this group man learns love of friends
This brings man a chance to transcend
The EGO which is the true nature of man’s form
For once man transcends the EGO he will no longer feel forlorn
For now man feels he has truly been born