Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The rich don’t want to hear what the poor have to say

The rich don’t want to hear what the poor have to say
As they send in their goons to the protest to try and sway
To sway it and turn it to something it’s not
All so they can protect what little they got
And the truth is that the money they have today
Eventually will all disappear and just go away
Then they will blame it all on our lack
Because they no longer can make it off our backs
So as the systems fail that protect them so bold
The system that left the 99 percent in the cold
Then all of humanity can build the systems to be
Systems built on concern, responsibility and mutual guarantee
A system that cares for every man, boy and girl
A system that truly is for the world

The people have gathered to openly share

The people have gathered to openly share
Their heartfelt unrest over the neglect and despair
As the system we live in is broken and refuse
No matter the fixes are tokens and of no use
It’s built on separatism with no hint of mutual concern
As the system itself causes one to get burned
The key to the future which is where we can see
A true and unyielding mutual responsibility

Reality is changing before our eyes

Reality is changing before our eyes
We can no longer go around telling our lies
Working in a system that’s destined to fail
As the taste it has left in us is more than stale
As society has become global at every turn
Leaving us in a place to really learn
To learn what is meant by mutual concern
A concern where we don’t think about the self
A place where our egoistic desires are put on a shelf
A place where we look after our brothers’ needs
A place where there’s no room for the concept of greed
A place in the new reality that we all can see
Just what we mean my mutual responsibility

I’ve been to the protest for 22 days

I’ve been to the protest for 22 days
Listening to what everyone has to say
No one is asking for wealth or fame
They merely want to be treated the same
The same as those with the money they horde
Tired of the poverty and being ignored
Tired of the neglect because the money is not there
Tired of a system that just doesn’t care
The system they ask for is not something new
It’s just a system of concern for all not the few
A system that guarantees mutual responsibility for all
A system like this will never fall
But the ones with the money don’t want this to be
As they load up their money and try to flee
But the world is now global in every way
Bringing humanity to a new dawn, a new day
A day when the love for each other will flow free
                    Bring all of humanity to mutual guarantee

In the sixties we made love not war

In the sixties we made love not war
In the seventies it was the gasoline we tried to horde
In the eighties it was the terrorist that came to play
In the nineties nature’s destruction was trying to say
As the millennium turned and our egos grew
Where the middle class were the many, now they’re the few
As the split between the rich and poor increase their divide
And the ones with the money continue to hide
Hide the power that will make the change
Leaving anyone that tries feeling estranged
Blaming the problems of the world on the poor
Trying their hardest to slam shut the door
But now the masses are mad as hell at the ways
The systems the rich put into place fail them every day
When the necessities are restricted and not given to all
That is when nature will create a great fall
And a hard fall we will have, like no other
If we do not change how we view one another
It is damn hard to do, but as simple as can be
If we all just adopt Mutual Responsibility