Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What does it mean to bow to the groups will

What does it mean to bow to the group's will 
How do i keep from running and just sit still
where does this will exist
Is it inside of me just waiting for me to persist 
How is it i feel them so strong 
How is it that for them i do long 
Its like waking up from a dream 
All i see is what to most might seem 
Crazy or abnormal as i feel what can't be touched 
Life is like this with occurrences once brushed 
Leaving one wanting more with every breath we take 
Building a desire that one cannot mistake
Brining us closer to love of friends 
Helping each other form that demand to send 
Uniting our efforts towards the goal 
Revealing the creator as we rebuild our soul 
Brining joy to the source of all i feel 
As he shows me how what i perceive is not real 
So unite, unite lets step it up now 
And all we seek will be revealed and how 
All that is lacking is our united demand 
So my brothers with you i stand 
Like waking and going out to feel the sun 
I feel us all together as one