Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Man’s heart determines his attitude towards his reality

Man’s heart determines his attitude towards his reality
Some never have a thought of entering spirituality
Mostly because they don’t feel the call
Or maybe it’s because the ego stands too tall
Either way man is caught in a trap
Leaving man to feel like a big ole sap
Not ever knowing why man is so low
Maybe it’s because man just doesn’t know
No matter how one looks at life man is not in control
There is no deity that man needs to extol
In fact all that exist in this thing we call life
Is the force of nature and the ego that causes strife
They are opposite attributes of the same force
Guiding man every step of the way through life’s course
Hiding within man totally concealed
All to help man to in time reveal
                                     Just what and who man truly is
Cause man doesn’t have a clue what it means to give
It just is what it is and only one thing can bring man to correction
And that is revealing man’s true inner connection 

The Mayan Calendar Shows Time that Ends

The Mayan calendar shows time that ends
The Hopis fore told of a new world that begins
The Back foot and Crow say that the veils will raise
The Kabbalist teach man the connection to praise
Like donkeys man just stands in the fields to graze
Leaving the world to the perils and plights
That comes to help man while in the night
Not knowing what kind of help has come
Man’s nature is to turn and run
Because man wants just to have fun
But what is the cost of this fun to be had
When the truth is revealed it makes man sad
This brings man to this intersection
Where man must do introspection
To bring man to the real connection