Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We work we study and then we play
But what do we do when things go astray
We search deep within our hearts
To find all the broken parts
Then we ask for the light to correct
Feeling the pain from the lack and neglect
Trying what we can with all our might
To follow natures plan to attract the light
To correct the ego from where it stems
                          As we rise above in love of friends
It’s to the world this message we bring
Loving your neighbor as yourself is a beautiful thing

When a Man Loves a Woman He Would Swim the Seas

When man loves a women he would swim the seas
To fulfill each and every one of her needs
When man comes to man he comes in greed
Robing and stealing more than he needs
But with nature it seems we don't stand a chance
As we swim around in the egos expanse
But if we would love nature like that woman of our dreams
And not wait till the crisis drops us to our knees
Before we start looking deep inside
Instead of behind our ego where we hide
What if we loved each other like the love of our life
Wouldn't that start to end the strife
What if we changed how we treat each other
Changed it from our enemy to our sister or brother
What if nature had a plan
And what if nature needed this to bring balance to the land
Would we unite hand in hand
As one man with one heart and soul
Bringing the world back to being whole

Striving for Unity

We strive and strive to unite
Despite the body becoming contrite
Rising above the hatred that lies in between
The connection that is shared but never seen
As we sit in the lessons night after night
Praying and demanding to attract the light
That mends these hearts torn apart
To unite our desires and opens our hearts
Only together can we make this stand
United in heart and soul as one man
Don’t take these words lightly dig deep with in
And together we reveal “There’s None Else Besides Him”

Friday, November 23, 2012

What does it mean to Rise Above

What does it mean to rise above?
To connect to that one love
Some people use it as an excuse
Or it can be used as a muse
It’s the hardest thing that man has ever done
And by no way is any of it fun
But it is the work that makes man whole
It is what is needed to build Adams soul
It’s not to be used to hide our actions
As all that builds are greater distractions
It is to be used to rise above the hate
To find love for the brothers that opens the gates
So thank you my brothers for your efforts so grand
As it’s side by side that we will stand
Only together 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

With all the Perils in the Land

With all the perils in all the lands
And man’s unwillingness to take a stand
It’s a wonder were all still around
As the will to receive grinds us into the ground
Revealing the connection filled with greed
As we amass more than we need
Only by opening the heart can we see
The true connection between you and me
But this is a task not done alone
A task that nature to us has shown
As we open our hearts and rise above our minds
A task that only together will we find
As we learn to treat each other with love and respect
Rather than the total neglect
Learning to rise above our egoistic desires
Opening our hearts with a burning fire
As the flames consume all our actions to date
Leaving our egoistic state
Helping us all to connect
To natures love and respect
Leaving no stone unturned
As within our hearts the fire burns
Bringing us all to this state of love
Shown to us from above
Living and loving each other with in
As we are shown there’s none else besides him

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Path that is True

The path that is true, is the path we have taken
And with a strong home we cannot be shaken
A place where our dissemination as a whole
Will rebuild Adams soul
A soul we all have a place in
Where we discover there’s none else besides him
A place where the world can unite
A place where as one man we can fight
The egos urges as we have found a means to the end
Where we all practice love of friends
A place where the world comes to know
Through our dissemination, and our tv show
A place where we all can train
Through the efforts exerted as we attain
Something that we know is above
That something is unconditional love
As we unite from our new homes site
What we bring the world is the light
Turning the night into day
Bringing balance back to nature in every way
Only together can the world have a chance
With our new home the world can advance