Monday, March 23, 2020

The Evolution of our Perception

Evilution, this is where we are as a society and as a species, we stand before the beginnings of evolution of our perception of reality.
As a society we grew further apart, separated more and more as if this was what we are heading towards careless thoughtless beings just trying to get our feel-good fix.  No one cares about the others around them or those that sacrifice their life for our freedoms and safety. It is as if we just take it all for granted or something like that.  We have become lazy in oh so many areas taking only the short road to riches and success.  
But then is it really successful?
The one thing we forgot, that we are built to be like nature, but we have to want to be like nature.  Each of the native tribes of each of the landmasses around the world all were one with nature as were our forefathers. 
Now here we come along with all our philosophy and science and we forget the very mother of all inventions, mother nature herself.
We try to control her and use her which throws her off as well.   This ecosystem is sensitive to a lot of things and the energy behind the social consciousness also has an effect on Nature and on the planet. 
As we go through our way in life experiencing things according to our unique perspective of things, as we do the only real thing we are chasing, is pleasure in one form or another.
Pleasure when we're out with friends drinking and watching a game or pleasure when the children do something really cool, or you name it if it brings us pleasure we dig it. 
So Natures system brought us this Virus, that does not kill as many of the other viruses Nature has brought us.  But this one is forcing us to connect to each other through the internet as we are asked to stay home until the danger has passed.   Businesses are paying employees to stay at home and work from home. Some are laying off employees due to the lack of customers. Businesses are closing down, things are tight and no one knows what exactly to do only that we all know we can not continue in the same format as all things have been up to this point. 
Now we have an opportunity to teach human society through the social media communities that are open to us, How through our connections, heart to heart connections we can find answers to everything troubling us about life today.
Now we have an opportunity to change our education system from one based on competition to one based on connections to others. 
Our Medical and pharmaceutical will change to heal instead of making the all mighty dollar.  
Our Judicial will change to be not about perverting the law but upholding it based on laws handed down through nature to us showing us how to be in the new world a world of love and inspiration based on everyone truly watching out for each other as in loving your neighbor as yourself. 

This is the ultimate state that all of the human species must attain. And if we work together we can attain it for everyone.  It takes desire, will and passion on a level because its for others and not for yourself it carries the highest energy with it transforming things before our very eyes.  
It is beautiful to witness and be a part of.

 I pray you too will join in the fun.