Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Babies Eyes

We look at each other with babies eyes 
Trying not to believe the EGO'S lies 
seeing only the perfection of the goal
and each of the friends as being whole
finding ways to bestow contentment has its challenges in the end
but its the only task given that leads us to love of friends

Crafty Creator

The creator is crafty in what he brings 
Giving us what we need to make the EGO sing
Causing us all these disturbances from the start
Causing us discord deep in our hearts 
Giving us an opportunity to rise above the body's cries 
By giving us thoughts surrounded in lies 
Showing us exactly what we need to grow
By giving us that which the sages show
Every thing brought is so we will unite 
Completely and totally despite 
All that the EGO wants or demands 
So lets unite and take a stand 
For the prayer of many 
With no thought of self but for our brothers we have plenty
Never relinquishing or letting go 
Doing the one thing that we know
To get to the only thing that matters in the end 
Finding our way to love of friends 

As I See My Brothers Look at Me in Disgust

As I see my brothers look at me in disgust 
I see it's really my ego I can't trust
I must rise above this in love of friends
To see them corrected from this to never bend
To never leave this feeling of care
No matter how much the EGO dares
To do this I must rely on my brothers beguiled
And care for them like a mother to a child
There really is no other way 
To turn the night into day
So wake up my brothers in this moment now
And let us show the world how
To do every thing we can
As we unit in our desire to raise man
To rebuild Adams soul 
And bring the world to become whole

Sunday, February 23, 2014

As the ships travel over the seas
And plains travel the sky's with the greatest of ease
Thoughts come at us from where we don't know
All to bring us desires from our heart as they flow
Desires for things we really don't need
But in our heart there is this greed
A greed to always find some joy
No matter the cost girl or boy
Always seeking pleasure of some kind
Looking for it totally blind
Blind to how we treat each other 
Only wanting pleasure in one form or another
Hidden deep with in the heart
Is this point where a new life starts
This place where we find
How to each other to be truly kind
Kind like a mother to her child 
Not a pleasure seeking kind where we go wild
With love for our fellow man 
Instead of using him every way we can
Compassion for their aches and pains 
With out a thought of what I can gain
It's here it's now it's with in our grasp
It is the only thing that will last
To love the others like you love yourself
Is the kind love worth being felt

Time is short and the day is long
Do you know where you belong
The night goes on never ending 
Have you figured out how your pretending
Pretending to be this or that
All so you can wear that joy filled hat
But when the hat no longer has joy
You kick it to the curb like a worn out toy
That's not a problem until you look and see 
It's how you treat others including me
If we change how we treat each other right now today
All the crisis in this world would simply go away
But something hides this from our face 
Disguising it behind this thing called grace
Not letting is see at every turn
It is only self love that we yearn
So look deep within your heart
And see how the ego makes it's start
Bringing you desires you really don't need
All for instant pleasure based out of greed
Look even deeper and you will see deep within
The simple truth is there is none else besides him

Friday, February 21, 2014

Alive in a pond of dead fish
Suffocating for air leaves me with one wish
Trying to breath with no Oxygen to be found
Knowing for what and where I am bound
Then from the corner of my eye 
Others in the same condition I do spy
Gasping and reaching for the air
Then we all come together and dare 
Dare to desire a force much greater 
A force known as the creator
Rising above the body's cry's
No longer hearing all it's lies 
Uniting together in love of friends 
We discover we're not fish but in fact were men
Lied to by the body for all these years
We join together for the creator in fear
Holding gratitude and love for the past
And fear that our servitude for the creator will last
As we unite together and go within
We discover There's None Else Besides Him 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

my brothers my brothers may I ask 
Just what is your task
Is it to hide and stop the fun we had
Or is it to see that everyone's glad
How do you enliven their hearts 
If it's from our ways that you part
Afraid to reach out and take a chance
Looking back with only a glance
Tell me tell me with you where did I fail
Why do you seem to put every one in jail
so hear me loud and clear 
for you i am here 
i will help in what ever ways i can 
to enliven the hearts of all in the land
i love you all way too much 
to not bring that loving touch
so i am here for you as i always have been
to help reveal there is none else besides him

So the body aches in pain
Leaving you on your back again
Knowing you are responsible for your brothers care
Do you stand up and dare
Dare to hear the complaints and groans
Or care for the seed you've sown
By having greater desire to bestow
Rather than listen to what the body wants to show
To detach from the matter is no easy chore 
But it takes you willing to open that door

The Light That Shines In My Eyes

The light that shines in my eyes
Never wanes or dies
It shines only waiting for me to change
Directing me on how to rearrange
The things about me that conceal this light
Once revealed it changes my sight
What a beautiful gift to be given in this way
An opportunity to change night into day
The only thing needed is my effort to come out and play
Do you have what it takes to play this game with an open heart
Or does the thought of it make you want to part
Come together in love of friends and you will see
This is the only way to please

Bo' Rah

You Tell me You Love me so Much

 You tell me you love me so much

But you beat me so not to use you like a crutch

You guide me in all things I do

All so I can be just like you

Hitting me with the things you know will make not love but hate

All so I can reach that one gate

This gate of tears that you leave open to enter

Causes the will to receive to splinter

But with a way to correct

With out neglect

Bringing Adam back to being whole

As we unite to rebuild our soul

But not for what we think or say

Only to bring joy to Bo'Rah

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


In our perception we see things one way 
To change this perception is to start a new day
With each new day that comes
Revealing things to some 
We find things are just as concealed 
As each new day we start to reveal 
The creators influence within every thing
Only to loose it and feel the sting
Then to find it anew in the next thought
Feeling these things that we are taught
Not knowing from this day to the next 
Leaving us feeling quit perplexed 
Until we attain the essence of the goal 
Brining the group to becoming whole 

Why are you always out of my reach
why does your touch leave me unable to speak
how do i break this hardened shell
that covers my heart leaving me in hell
you strike at us and hit us from every side 
knocking us out of our stride
leaving us broken and full of pain 
making us wonder if were fucking insane 
you tell us we have a way to break these chains 
that shackles our hearts keeping us on a short rein
you bring us to a system that has no end
where the directing force does not bend
to put out these efforts from our heart
that once it's attained with it we'll never part
then you show us how alone we have no power
only together does it bring the rain showers
how praying for the others is the focus at hand 
then you dare us to take a stand
and when we stand to unite with this force 
you crack the whip changing the course
asking us to join in this web and flow
waiting for this united prayer
that you push us towards  if to dare
and after all that we have been through 
i still find love and gratitude only for you
even though i don't know who or what you are
to me you encapsulate all of the stars
living and loving with only one goal 
to put back Adam and make him whole

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Our ego comes at us from where we don't know
Like an invisible web but only our parts show
Directing us through this life long game
To get to the feeling of true shame 
Shame for the lack of actions towards the goal 
Shame for not caring if we are whole
Shame for missing the chances that the creator gives
Shame for the evil inside me that still lives
Feeling this shame is the first part 
To getting the help to open your heart
opening the heart towards the brothers with in 
brings us to "There is None Else Besides Him"

The things in life we have done
Seem so trivial to some
Yet they shape and mold us through out time 
With no reason or rhyme
Preparing us for our path to follow
Making life sometimes hard to swallow 
But the truth is in the end 
It brings is to love of friends

Friday, February 14, 2014

Congress has come but it's not gone

Congress has come but it's not gone
It's in our hearts where it belongs
Waiting to be called on again and again
All we need is love of friends
So what does it take to evoke this love
Are we waiting for some sign from above
Or can we take actions as if were there
Take these actions if you dare
Dare to be bold and stand for something new
To open the love between me and you
To break the wall that separates our heart
Come on my brothers let us sling these darts
Darts that chip away at the heart of stone
Until it opens I won't leave you alone
Chirping at it every moment of the day
Until it opens with love I pray
Then our connection can begin
As we move to love of friends

Thursday, February 13, 2014

People are people with all of their desires
Desires are lacks, yet to catch fire
Fire is the yearning deep within the heart
Friends build the fire from which we must never part
So why is it so hard to reach love of friends?
A place that truly has no end
And why with this do we struggle and fight
Instead of using all of our might
To stay in the one way that will bring us the light
So no more excuses or complaints should we send
As we have found love of friends

The struggles in life that we face
Beats us down till we have no grace
Leaving our bloody body's I'm a ditch
Wondering how to scratch that itch
An itch that starts in our heart
That grows so big we put the horse after the cart
Until the body catches up in turn
Causing our hearts to truly burn
Bringing us on this roller coaster ride
Until we all duck and hide
Only to come out again
And really start to begin
To do the work we were chosen to do
In creating that connection between me and you
Obstacles will come and go
Leaving us where we don't know
All to divert us from the plan
But in our hearts we can
Truly unite as we raise man
 But only through love of friends
A special place that never ends
Only our efforts can depict
If we have the love to kiss that stick
Because once we do we will see
The love that the creator has for me
So stand up and decide
To be included and not to hide
So don't take long to figure it out
Stand up now with heart and shout
Love of friends is where to be
Me caring for you with no thought of me