Monday, December 15, 2014

Our Day is Set Our Path is Clear

Our day is set the path is clear
It’s our brother’s desires we hold dear
To bring the light that reforms
To give the brothers what they need to be born
To birth our soul that we rebuild
As we create this united vessel to be filled
With that light so they can do
What is needed to care about you
Each and every one from their hearts place
Demanding the light fills their open space
With what we need to unite
No matter the ego’s complaints and despite
All that the body tries to show
All to reveal the evil within, but this you know
So keep this movement alive and strong
Try to fulfill for what your brothers long
Remind each other every second of the day
If you don’t feel it, then make it a game to play
Join in join in and let the unity begin
All from the heart as we discover none else but him