Thursday, March 20, 2014

When the night falls and the Owls hoot
We get dressed and put on our boots 
Trecking through the thick night air 
As the people we pass can only stare 
Wondering what brings us out at this hour 
As we go to learn how to open our hearts like a budding flower
Learning what it is we must do
To help every one yes you too
To open your heart like never before 
It's like when you close a window we help you open the door
Changing our perspecive on life
Giving you clear cut methods how to deal with the strife
All with love and an open heart we stand
Not listening to the ego's commands
Hearing only what the heart truly desires
As they burn inside like igniting a fire
Living and loving with passion and care
Do you stand up and dare
To share the love the heart hides within
To reveal there is none else besides him
Well do you
My heart is beating like a deep base drum
It's times like this that I'm all thumbs
Clumsily tripping over my own two feet
As I feel my inner heart start to beat
Feeling the love that the group sends
Helping the broken hearts to mend
Feeling the cries of the public at hand
Helping them to truly understand 
That what they seek is not outside
But how to get to, for what their heart cries
Helping them to rise above the ego's commands
Showing them that together they can stand
And find the answers to the problems and begin
To discover there's none else besides him